This repository contains scripts to preprocess bisulfite sequencing datasets of WT plants and some epigenetic mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana.
WT replicate 1 (GSM1242401)
WT replicate 2 (GSM980986)
met1-3 (GSM981031)
drm12cmt23/ddcc (GSM1242404)
cmt23 (GSM1242402)
suvh4/5/6 (GSM981060)
cmt3 (GSM981003)
cmt2 (GSM981002)
suvh4/kyp (GSM981057)
drm1/2 (GSM981015)
ibm1 (GSM981026)
Systems requirements
To run the scripts, you will need to have the following programs installed
Bismark (
Bowtie2 (
samtools (
genomeCoverageBed (
To perform the entire preprocessing you need to run script in data directory.
$ cd data
$ chmod +x *.sh
$ ./