
bring your shader to c++ header-file

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

compile shader to header-file

cs2h is a program read json config and compile HLSL using dxc or fxc to c++ header file.

You can use this program to compile the shaders to a c++ header file and using the array of byte as shaders. It can help you build shaders as source code and use it directly when compiling your program.

Json format

You can see the example to know the format and you can not ignore any elements.

  "directory" : "",
  "filename": "cs2h_basic_test",
  "name_of_namespace": "cs2h",
  "shaders": [
      "macros": [ { "__HLSL_SHADER__": 1 } ],
      "filename": "cs2h_basic_test_shader.hlsl",
      "variable": "shader_vs",
      "version": "vs_5_1",
      "entry": "vs_main"
      "macros": [ { "__HLSL_SHADER__": 1 } ],
      "filename": "cs2h_basic_test_shader.hlsl",
      "variable": "shader_ps",
      "version": "ps_5_1",
      "entry": "ps_main"
  • directory shows the directory of output file.
  • filename shows the output file of c++ header-file(do not add .hpp or .h).
  • name_of_namespace shows the namespace of strings of shader code.
  • shaders is an array contain some shaders we will compile.
  • shaders.macros is an array contain the macros we will use in shader compling.
  • shaders.filename shows the shader file we will compile.
  • shaders.variable shows the variable name of shader code in c++ header-file.
  • shaders.version shows the profile of shader(it decides which compiler we will use).
  • shaders.entry shows the entry point of shader.

How to use

Just input program_name json_file on your terminal.


If you want to use dxc to compile the shader, you should ensure the .dll and .lib file are on your system. You can download it from here.

The fxc only support profile with xx_5_1 or lower version and dxc only support profile with xx_6_0 or higher.


  • json : JSON for Modern C++.