Pinned Repositories
AirBnB Experiences clone app with static and reusable React components. It contains conditional rendering. It was created with Create React App to practice the setup of a React project.
The chat app "ChattyBetty" for mobile devices is implemented with React Native. The app provides a chat interface and options for users to share images and their location.
Full-stack app using Nest.js and postgreSQL for the backend and React or Vue with CSSTailwind on the frontend.
RESTful API with Express and PostgreSQL. This API displays a list of children's movies. Users can filter the movies by title and search for specific key-words to display image files. These image files can be downloaded and/or printed.
The Meet Up App allows users to view upcoming events for a specific city by using the Google Calendar API. Applying the TDD approach this React App combines the concepts of serverless architecture and progressive web applications.
RESTful API with Express and MongoDB. This API allows a user to receive information on movies, directors, and genres so that he can learn more about movies he has watched or is interested in. Also he can create a profile, so he can save data about his favorite movies.
This project is using React to build the client-side for an application called movie-API based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database).
Angular movie app complementing its existing server-side code (REST API and database), with supporting documentation. Implementation of MEAN stack.
This is the website exhibiting my projects as a web developer.
money-sprouts is an application designed to teach children the value of saving and spending their pocket money sensibly.
LisaPMunich's Repositories
AirBnB Experiences clone app with static and reusable React components. It contains conditional rendering. It was created with Create React App to practice the setup of a React project.
The chat app "ChattyBetty" for mobile devices is implemented with React Native. The app provides a chat interface and options for users to share images and their location.
This is the website exhibiting my projects as a web developer.
Full-stack app using Nest.js and postgreSQL for the backend and React or Vue with CSSTailwind on the frontend.
RESTful API with Express and PostgreSQL. This API displays a list of children's movies. Users can filter the movies by title and search for specific key-words to display image files. These image files can be downloaded and/or printed.
Static React Business Card, using functional components. It was created to practice building separate React components and utilising Figma to program the UI in CSS.
The Meet Up App allows users to view upcoming events for a specific city by using the Google Calendar API. Applying the TDD approach this React App combines the concepts of serverless architecture and progressive web applications.
Interactive web app in React using functional programming - following a tutorial on Scrimba by Bob Ziroll
RESTful API with Express and MongoDB. This API allows a user to receive information on movies, directors, and genres so that he can learn more about movies he has watched or is interested in. Also he can create a profile, so he can save data about his favorite movies.
This project is using React to build the client-side for an application called movie-API based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database).
Angular movie app complementing its existing server-side code (REST API and database), with supporting documentation. Implementation of MEAN stack.
Project to learn the basics of next.js. Building a blog website following a tutorial on
I created this project to practice my knowledge in Angular and Angular Material.
The implementation of the Rubiks cube serves to provide a deeper understanding of the Angular framework, algorithm development and primeNG.
Simple pokemon app with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the usage of the jQuery library. The app loads data from an external API.
This project was primarily an exercise in customising an existing app boilerplate and connecting it to the web.
Simple App to have an overview of open to-dos and finished to-dos. The App will display buttons, animation, allow user interaction.
React app with data-driven presentational components displaying destinations I have travelled to.
ai chatbot is a web app built with React, Next.js, TailwindCSS and OpenAI.
:zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
Recipe and Shopping App using Angular and Bootstrap
The Sorting Counter Game generates random numbers, sorts them into odd and even numbers, and displays them in separate components.