LININ: Logic Integrated Neural Inference Network for Explanatory Visual Question Answering

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LININ: Logic Integrated Neural Inference Network for Explanatory Visual Question Answering


This is the authors' implementation of LININ (Logic Integrated Neural Inference Network).


  1. Download the GQA Dataset.
  2. Download the GQA-OOD Dataset
  3. Download the bottom-up features and unzip it.
  4. Extracting features from the raw tsv files (Important: You need to run the code in Linux):
python ./preprocessing/extract_tsv.py --input $TSV_FILE --output $FEATURE_DIR
  1. We provide the annotations of GQA-REX Dataset in model/processed_data/converted_explanation_train_balanced.json and model/processed_data/converted_explanation_val_balanced.json.
  2. (Optional) You can construct the GQA-REX Dataset by yourself following instructions by its authors.
  3. Clean data using our script:
python ./preprocessing/clean_questions.py
  1. Run our FOL-based question analysis program to generate answer masks:
python ./preprocessing/generate_ans_mask.py


We provide four models in model/model/model.py.

Training and Test

Before training, you need to first generate the dictionary for questions, answers, and explanations:

cd ./model
python generate_dictionary --question $GQA_ROOT/question --exp $EXP_DIR --save ./processed_data

The training process can be called as:

python main.py --mode train --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --sg_dir $GQA_ROOT/scene_graph --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --bbox_dir $FEATURE_DIR/box --checkpoint_dir $CHECKPOINT --explainable True

To evaluate on the GQA-testdev set or generating submission file for online evaluation on the test-standard set, call:

python main.py --mode $MODE --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --weights $CHECKPOINT/model_best.pth --explainable True

and set $MODE to eval or submission accordingly.