This is the authors' implementation of LININ (Logic Integrated Neural Inference Network).
- Download the GQA Dataset.
- Download the GQA-OOD Dataset
- Download the bottom-up features and unzip it.
- Extracting features from the raw tsv files (Important: You need to run the code in Linux):
python ./preprocessing/ --input $TSV_FILE --output $FEATURE_DIR
- We provide the annotations of GQA-REX Dataset in
. - (Optional) You can construct the GQA-REX Dataset by yourself following instructions by its authors.
- Clean data using our script:
python ./preprocessing/
- Run our FOL-based question analysis program to generate answer masks:
python ./preprocessing/
We provide four models in model/model/
Before training, you need to first generate the dictionary for questions, answers, and explanations:
cd ./model
python generate_dictionary --question $GQA_ROOT/question --exp $EXP_DIR --save ./processed_data
The training process can be called as:
python --mode train --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --sg_dir $GQA_ROOT/scene_graph --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --bbox_dir $FEATURE_DIR/box --checkpoint_dir $CHECKPOINT --explainable True
To evaluate on the GQA-testdev set or generating submission file for online evaluation on the test-standard set, call:
python --mode $MODE --anno_dir $GQA_ROOT/question --ood_dir $OOD_ROOT/data --lang_dir ./processed_data --img_dir $FEATURE_DIR/features --weights $CHECKPOINT/model_best.pth --explainable True
and set $MODE
to eval
or submission