
Mid360 imu data is incorrect

xzwang12345 opened this issue · 0 comments

My system is ubuntu22.04
I have used several livox mid360, the mid360 is mounted upside down on the robot.
Used the same sdk and system , I encounter some mid360 imu is incorrect, some mid360 is correct, the correct linear_acceleration value is -1g, but the incorrect value is a constant value: -4g , this incorrect value does not fluctuate over time.
what can causes the problem, and how to fix it ? Thank you
this is the correct value
2023-05-10 15-35-03屏幕截图
And this is the incorrect value
2023-05-10 15-34-14屏幕截图
And the another two device the imu linear_acceleration z value plotjuggler is:
2023-05-11 16-16-22屏幕截图