lvx_to_rosbag issue
OrcunCanDeniz opened this issue · 2 comments
OrcunCanDeniz commented
I'm trying convert HAP pointclouds to rosbag but I get
process[livox_lidar_publisher-2]: started with pid [11249]
[ INFO] [1665566076.098132372]: Livox Ros Driver Version: 2.6.0
[ INFO] [1665566076.100285302]: Data Source is lvx file.
[ INFO] [1665566076.125466207]: Create bag file :/home/orcun/Downloads/hap_data_parking_lot.bag!
Filesize 190691417
Livox file version[0]
Open /home/orcun/Downloads/hap_data_parking_lot.lvx2 file fail[5]!
[ERROR] [1665566076.125553244]: Init lds lvx file fail!
^C[livox_lidar_publisher-2] killing on exit
All paths are correct.
arvrschool commented
I have the same problem
Pilat66 commented
I have the same problem