
Small script and sample data to merge phylodb data with Kallisto/Salmon/DIAMOND output for gene and taxonomy annotation.

Primary LanguagePython


Small scripts and sample data to merge phylodb data with Kallisto output or Trinity Fasta output for gene and taxonomy annotation.

How to use

  • Note: Phylodb must be downloaded for this, it contains the taxonomy and gene annotation data to go with the database fasta file. It can be downloaded as a zip file here.
  • Clone this repository into a directory of choice using $ git clone https://github.com/Lswhiteh/phylodbannotation

For aligning reads against PhyloDB with Kallisto (Tagseq protocol) - No Assembly

  1. Create PhyloDB Kallisto index and map reads against the database.
  2. Copy the abundances.tsv file from the Kallisto output dir, preferably with a more specific name, to a directory containing taxonomymatcher.py.
  3. Copy the PhyloDB gene and taxonomy annotation tsv files to the same directory.
  4. Run taxonomymatcher.py either one at a time or with bash scripting
$ python taxonomymatcher.py -h
usage: taxonomymatcher.py [-h] -i INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE -a ANNOTATIONS_FILE -t TAXONOMY_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --infile INPUT_FILE
                        Path to kallisto/salmon pseudocount input file.
                        Path to write merged taxonomy/annotation file
                        Path to phylodb annotations text file.
                        Path to input phylodb taxonomy file
  • Note that the script is run with a specified input tsv and a specified output tsv, if these are not given the script will not run.

For merging data from Trinity output

  • Get Trinity.fasta output from assembling transcriptomes/genomes
  • Using DIAMOND OR BLAST get an m8 tabular file by aligning your contigs against phyloDB, only report 1 hit per contig
  • Edit fastaannotation.py to include the path to the phylodb gene and taxonomy annotation tabular files
  • Run python3 fastaannotation.py <trinityoutput.fa> <diamondoutput.m8> <annotatedfastaoutput.fa> <mappingfile.tsv>
    • The script will write <annotatedfastaoutput.fa>, a fasta file with the gene, organisms, and taxonomy added to it
    • It will also write <mappingfile.tsv>, a tabular file with the Trinity contig ID, gene, organism, and taxonomy cleanly laid out