Implementation of these papers:
Motion Capture of Hands in Action using Discriminative Salient Points
L. Ballan, A. Taneja, J. Gall, L. Van Gool, M. Pollefeys
ECCV 2012, Firenze, Italy
Marker-less Motion Capture of Skinned Models in a Four Camera Set-up using Optical Flow and Silhouettes
L. Ballan and G. M. Cortelazzo
3DPVT 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA
If you are using this code, please cite the above papers.
- Install Opencv in "Common Libs\opencv_win"
- Install newmat in "Common Libs\newmat"
- Install gsl in "Common Libs\gsl"
- Install glew in "Common Libs\glew"
- Install CLAPACK in "Common Libs\CLAPACK"
- Install Levenberg-Marquardt in "Common Libs\Levenberg-Marquardt" (LEVMAR version 2.5 By Manolis Lourakis)
- Install lp_solve in "Common Libs\lp_solve" (
- Install all the related dlls in bin32 and bin64
- Compile src/prj/gammalib/gammalib.vcxproj
- Compile src/prj/gammalib/ArticulatedPoseEstimator/ArticulatedPoseEstimator.vcxproj
- Compile src/prj/gammalib/ArticulatedPoseEstimator/Viewer.vcxproj