
Your CPU goes brrrrr!

Primary LanguageC++


Your CPU goes brrrrr!


Ray tracing is a technique used to generate realistic digital images by simulating the inverse path of light. Our goal here is to create a program from a file describing a scene.

We had the following objectives:

  • have multiple types of primitives (Spheres, Planes, Cylinders, ...)
  • have multiple types of lights (Point, Directionnal, ...)
  • have at least an output to a ppm file
  • load the elements from a json configutation file, using nlohmann-json3 library


The project is done in C++, and build using CMake


To have more information, look at the docs folder.


To build the project, follow the steps below:

# Make sure you have the necessary system packages installed
# ⚠️ The following system packages installation commands may change depending on 
# your OS. Below example is for Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build clang-tidy-12 ccache
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-12 100
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends nlohmann-json3-dev libsfml-dev

# clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:Lukacms/Raytracer.git
cd Raytracer

# compile the project with flags required to close properly shared libraries, only available with g++
./compile.sh --gcc

Once the project is build, the ratracer executable is built at the root, and the plugins in the plugins directories:

├── plugins
│   ├── Catch2.a
│   ├── Catch2Main.a
│   ├── raytracer_ambiant_light.so
│   ├── raytracer-core.so
│   ├── raytracer_directional_light.so
│   ├── raytracer_moebius.so
│   ├── raytracer_plane.so
│   ├── raytracer_point_light.so
│   └── raytracer_sphere.so
└── raytracer

Launch Project

After building project, here is the output of the help:

$ > ./raytracer -h
	SCENE_FILE: scene configuration
    DISPLAY: -ppm <FILENAME> | -sfml

You can launch the program with two options:

  • -ppm with a filename specified, to output the file to the filename
  • -sfml to render the result to a sfml window, which has the option to be quit using Q, and save to a ppm file with S
