
Unity framework for creating customizable cutscenes

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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A free Unity framework that provide tools to create, edit, and execute various cutscenes

What can you do with it?

Shiroi Cutscenes used in Datenshi


Copy the 'Assets' folder into anywhere in your unity project.

If you do not want the cutscene icons on Cutscene files, delete the folder 'Gizmos' (If you had other things in there before adding this framework, just remove 'Gizmos/Cutscene Icon.png')

After that, I recommend placing the 'Shiroi' folder (and all it's contents) inside a folder like 'Libraries', to keep things organized.

Getting Started

Please refer to the Wiki for instructions on how to use ShiroiCutscenes

Planned Features

  • Visual tool for editing cutscenes
  • Serialization backend abstraction


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Entitas for inspiration on the inspector look and feel