
BUAA Computer Organization Project3 CPU monocycle

Primary LanguageAssembly



This is the final version of Project 3 CPU monocycle of BUAA Computer Origanization year 2018 - 2019. The project is developed in Logisim and is designed handle the MIPS-Lite Instruction Set, i.e. {nop, jr, addu, subu, slt, beq, addiu, ori, lui, lw, sw, j, jal}. You may need to download Logisim in order to check out the project.

WARNING: the project is used only for study! Cloning the whole project and submitting it as your project is a serious violation of the course regulations. Cheating will bring about numerous penalties. Moreover, nobody ensures the project being absolutely correct. Please test it before you put into use.

Project Info

The project consists of one monocycle CPU, using one set of instruction and data cache. The ROM in Logisim, i.e. the instruction cache, doesn't support auto-load. Thus, you need to manually load test.txt into IM, and then enable tick.

Every cycle, the project handles a piece of instruction. You can stop ticking at any point and check the contemporary circuit status.