
This repository contains documentation for the rover challenge 2018 using the Erle Rover

LTS - Space Resources Challenge 2018

This repository contains documentation for the LTS - Space Resources Challenge 2018 using the Erle Rover.

Sponsor by SpaceResources.lu Initiative

Requirements & Links

We have prepared a virtual machine for you to work with. This is the easiest way to get started with the simulation environment.

To run the virutal machine you will need:

Link to the youtube tutorials is here.

The Virtual Machine contains:

Getting Started

The main working directory is: ~/simulation/

1. Proxy

To run the simulation, we have to launch the proxies first.

Proxy Setup

Open the terminal and type the following commands:

source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash 
cd ~/simulation/ardupilot/APMrover2
../Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.sh -j 4 -f Gazebo
param load ~/Tools/Frame_params/3DR_Rover.param

Proxy Mode

The proxy has multiple modes for the rover controller. We are interested in 2 modes.

To control the rover manually via the terminal run: param set SYSID_MYGCS 255

To control the rover remotely via the ROS Messages run: param set SYSID_MYGCS 1

2. Launch the simulator

Once the proxy is running, we can launch the simulation. Open a new terminal window/tab and run the following commands:

source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ardupilot_sitl_gazebo_plugin rover_spawn.launch

3. Run a Python Program

The proxy is running and the simulation is open. Now you can run a rover controller.

Open a third terminal window/tab and run the following command:

source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

After that, you are ready to run a controller.

There are a few examples in this virtual machine that you can run. They are located at:


Then, just run for example:

python rover_obstacle_avoidance.py

4. Stop the simulation

Stopping is easy: CTRL+C until it stops.

5. Reset the simulation

If you want to reset the rover and the simulation to his initial state, you will have to:

  1. Cancel the process in the second terminal tab where the Gazebo simulator is running using CTRL+C
  2. Run again roslaunch ardupilot_sitl_gazebo_plugin rover_spawn.launch

How to write your own code

The easiest way to code your own controller is to create a new *.py file in the scripts folder:


Submissions not later than 10th November 2018 23h00

Send your python code solution with your contact info to challenge@techschool.lu

Test your code on the real Rover end of November 2018 Workshop

Working submissions will be invited to test their code at the end of November 2018 workshop in Luxembourg City, and faster code solving the maze Wins a real Erle-Rover!!!

More about the Erle Rover

For more infor and support about the Erle Rover simulation visit the Erle Robotics forum at
