- 4
FPS in cutscenes sometimes dipping down again, weird effect on Toudou's glasses, and button prompts wont change to PS4
#10 opened by notrealSangak - 4
cutscenes still at 30fps
#19 opened by gibbygundam - 0
Feature request: Lock vertical camera
#18 opened by ceedveed - 0
- 2
Compatibility with Gamepass version
#16 opened by rpontes343 - 0
Stutter with cutscene FPS cap removal
#15 opened by Jax765 - 4
1.06 patch broke IshinFix
#14 opened by helichoppa - 2
- 2
zip file has Incorrect reparse stream
#13 opened by soundsofsilence - 1
low end pc cutsences
#11 opened by ron00321 - 8
- 2
Lock prompts to controller or KB/M
#9 opened by LAN021 - 4
- 5
brothel mini game bug
#4 opened by jeezany - 4
DllMain leaks a thread handle
#5 opened by CookiePLMonster - 15
- 1
Steam Deck
#8 opened by sergidiazlopez - 1
IshinFix not applying in game
#7 opened by JV466 - 3
Cutscenes still running at 30fps
#3 opened by Tataru-Taru