
Explore MIPS Assembly with essential arithmetic scripts, including addition, subtraction, division, power calculation, factorial computation, and a unique backward addition algorithm

Primary LanguageAssembly

MIPS Assembly Scripting Project

Welcome to the MIPS Assembly Scripting project! This repository contains a collection of MIPS assembly language scripts that cover a wide range of fundamental arithmetic and mathematical operations. Whether you're new to MIPS assembly or looking to explore advanced calculations, this project provides a valuable resource for learning and experimentation.


This project includes a variety of MIPS assembly programs that demonstrate essential arithmetic and mathematical operations, including:

  • Basic Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction operations to perform simple calculations.

  • Division: Implementation of division operations, including handling remainders.

  • Power Calculation: Calculate powers and exponents efficiently.

  • Factorial: Compute factorials of numbers using iterative or recursive methods.

  • Backward Addition: A unique algorithm that performs addition in a reverse order.


To run the MIPS assembly scripts in this project, you'll need:

  • A MIPS assembly simulator or emulator, such as SPIM or MARS, installed on your computer.

Overview of the Qtspim environment
