This HTML document demonstrates how to animate the size and color of a square using jQuery. The page includes a heading, a square div, and three buttons labeled "Agrandir", "Réduire", and "Changer Couleur". Clicking the "Agrandir" button increases the width of the square, the "Réduire" button decreases its width, and the "Changer Couleur" button changes the square's color to pink on a single click and purple on a double click. The jQuery script handles these interactions and applies the respective CSS changes with a smooth transition effect for size adjustments. Basic CSS styles the square and buttons, providing a user-friendly interface.
This HTML document demonstrates how to animate the size and color of a square using jQuery. The page includes a heading, a square div, and three buttons labeled "Agrandir", "Réduire", and "Changer Couleur".