Hi there 🚀 Passionate coder | Software Developer Student💻 | Open Source Enthusiast 🌟 | Constant learner 📚 | Building cool stuff with Js, python, Html, CSS
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This HTML and CSS code creates a captivating animation by applying keyframe transformations to a square div element.
This Python script simulates a basic banking system management, differentiating between agents and clients. Agents can add or delete accounts, while clients can perform various account-related operations such as changing passwords, checking balances, depositing money, and withdrawing money.
This HTML and CSS code showcases a creative arrangement of colored boxes, each with unique styles.
This HTML and CSS code showcases the art of styling div elements using CSS transformations. Two div elements, each with a distinct class, are presented.
This JavaScript code comprises two sections.
This JavaScript script defines two arrow functions, 'test1' and 'test2', which accept two parameters 'x' and 'y'. 'test1' returns the smaller of the two numbers using Math.min, while 'test2' returns the larger number using Math.max...
This HTML code creates a visually appealing webpage showcasing various outdoor adventure services. With a background image of a camping scene, it sets an adventurous tone.
In this exercise, we ask the user to enter three points obtained in the exams, and then this program gives him his general average and the merit obtained.
Library Management System is a Python-based application built using the Tkinter library for creating a user-friendly graphical interface. This system allows library administrators to efficiently manage library membership information, track book details.
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This HTML document creates a basic addition calculator web page. It allows users to input two numbers into text fields, and upon clicking the "Calculer" button, it computes the sum of these numbers using JavaScript and displays the result on the page.
This HTML and PHP project consists of two main parts: a client address form and a data display table.
This project includes an HTML form for collecting personal information and course preferences from the user, and a PHP script to display the submitted data. The form asks for the user's name, surname, gender, and course selection.
This project features an HTML form where users can input their first name, last name, and select their favorite pet from a dropdown list. Upon submission, the data is sent to a PHP script that displays the user's entered information. This example demonstrates the interaction between HTML forms and PHP scripts
This PHP-based web application allows users to manage client information . It includes features for listing clients, adding new clients, modifying existing client details, and deleting client records. The user interface includes a dynamic table for displaying client data and forms for CRUD operations, all styled with CSS for a clean design.
This web page provides a user-friendly interface for performing basic arithmetic operations. Users can input two numbers and choose an operator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to calculate the result. The PHP script processes the input and displays the result on the same page, making it a handy tool for quick calculations.
Nezuko Resto: A Modern Culinary Experience
This PHP script defines a compteBancaire class with methods to get the current balance and calculate the balance after 10 years of applying an annual interest rate. Two instances of the class are created with different initial amounts and interest rates, and their final balances after 10 years are displayed.
This HTML document demonstrates how to animate the size and color of a square using jQuery. The page includes a heading, a square div, and three buttons labeled "Agrandir", "Réduire", and "Changer Couleur".
This HTML document illustrates how to change the color of text when the mouse hovers over it using jQuery.
This PHP script retrieves client data from a MySQL database and presents it in an HTML table. Client details such as ID, CIN, name, surname, age with color-coding, email, and password are displayed. Each row features a button to delete the respective client entry, redirecting to a deletion script.
In this example, we demonstrate how to use nested loops in PHP to create a right-angled triangle pattern made of asterisks (*). The outer loop controls the number of rows, while the inner loop determines the number of asterisks printed in each row. This pattern-building exercise is a common introduction to loops and nested loops in programming.
This PHP script connects to a MySQL database and retrieves student information from the etudiant table. It then dynamically generates an HTML table to display the student's ID, name, surname, date of birth, and address. The data is fetched using PDO and iterated over to populate the table rows.
This project is a PHP-based Employee Management System that facilitates user registration, login, and employee data management. It includes scripts for database connectivity, user authentication, and displaying a list of employees.
This PHP web application allows users to track the purchase of different fruits (apples, pears, and bananas) by storing the quantities in a session. Users can increment the count of each fruit or reset it to zero using the provided buttons. Additionally, there is an option to destroy the session, resetting all fruit counts to their initial values.
This HTML document demonstrates a simple jQuery script for highlighting the previous <div> element when any <div> is clicked. If the clicked <div> is the first one, it changes its own background color and displays an alert message.
This PHP-based Hotel Management System allows you to manage hotel records efficiently. You can view a list of hotels, add new entries, update existing information, and delete records as needed. The intuitive interface ensures seamless operations, making it easy to manage hotel data effectively.
This web application demonstrates an interactive color picker implemented using PHP and cookies.
This HTML document features an interactive counter that allows users to increase, decrease, and reset the displayed value using jQuery.
This HTML document features an image with a double-click event that shows an alert, and a button to remove this event listener. It also includes a text input field that validates a minimum length of 9 characters, changing the border color based on the input's validity. JavaScript manages the event listeners and validation.
This HTML document demonstrates various jQuery animations and effects. The page features a central box (#animationBox) that can be animated in different ways using buttons provided in a button container below the box.
This HTML document showcases how to dynamically manipulate a list using jQuery. The page includes an input field for entering new list items, a button to add these items to the list, and an instruction paragraph.
This PHP script defines a Personne class with properties for name, surname, and date of birth. The class includes methods to present the person’s name and calculate their exact age in years, months, and days. An instance of the class is created and its methods are called to display the person’s name and age.
This JavaScript code defines a BankAccount class that models a simple bank account with functionalities for depositing and withdrawing money, checking the balance, and printing account information.
This HTML document features a form to collect student information with real-time validation for name, email, subject, and grades. Upon validation, the data is added to a dynamic table. CSS styles the form and table, while JavaScript handles validation and updates, ensuring data integrity and user feedback.
This HTML document provides a simple interface to change the color of a text using jQuery. It includes a heading, a paragraph of text, and three buttons labeled "Rouge", "Vert", and "Bleu".
This PHP web application handles user login and session management. It includes three main components: a login form, a session display page, and a logout script. Users can log in with a username and password, which initiates a session storing the username.The logout action destroys the session and redirects the user back to the login form.