Hi there 🚀 Passionate coder | Software Developer Student💻 | Open Source Enthusiast 🌟 | Constant learner 📚 | Building cool stuff with Js, python, Html, CSS
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This HTML and CSS code creates a captivating animation by applying keyframe transformations to a square div element.
This Python script simulates a basic banking system management, differentiating between agents and clients. Agents can add or delete accounts, while clients can perform various account-related operations such as changing passwords, checking balances, depositing money, and withdrawing money.
This HTML and CSS code showcases a creative arrangement of colored boxes, each with unique styles.
This HTML and CSS code showcases the art of styling div elements using CSS transformations. Two div elements, each with a distinct class, are presented.
This JavaScript code comprises two sections.
This JavaScript script defines two arrow functions, 'test1' and 'test2', which accept two parameters 'x' and 'y'. 'test1' returns the smaller of the two numbers using Math.min, while 'test2' returns the larger number using Math.max...
This HTML code creates a visually appealing webpage showcasing various outdoor adventure services. With a background image of a camping scene, it sets an adventurous tone.
In this exercise, we ask the user to enter three points obtained in the exams, and then this program gives him his general average and the merit obtained.
Library Management System is a Python-based application built using the Tkinter library for creating a user-friendly graphical interface. This system allows library administrators to efficiently manage library membership information, track book details.
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MAR-AM's Repositories
This HTML and CSS code creates a captivating animation by applying keyframe transformations to a square div element.
This Python script simulates a basic banking system management, differentiating between agents and clients. Agents can add or delete accounts, while clients can perform various account-related operations such as changing passwords, checking balances, depositing money, and withdrawing money.
This HTML and CSS code showcases a creative arrangement of colored boxes, each with unique styles.
This HTML and CSS code showcases the art of styling div elements using CSS transformations. Two div elements, each with a distinct class, are presented.
This HTML code represents the layout of an Arabic Website for watching turkish series website focused on television series and movies.
The Documentary class represents Documentary with methods Tostring. The 'Exemplaire' subclass extends it for Documentary, adding release date , and the date of purchase. Both classes track the number of instances created.
This class Mobile , it's a class which takes companyName, storage, serialNum, name, dualSim, support4K as attributes and which uses the following methods: call(), sendMessage(), playMedia().
A Python program presenting Rectangle class with methods for dimensions, perimeter, surface area, and equality checks. The `Parallelepipede` subclass extends it for Rectangle , adding height, volume, and surface area calculations. Both classes track the number of instances created. The code demonstrates their usage with instances and operations.
A Python program presenting a 2D Vector class designed to take vector information and return the distance () , the norm () .then we have the 3D vector the derivative of the vector2D class.
This class Car , it's a class which takes name, model, color, speed, nitroSpeed as attributes and which uses the following methods: start(), turn(), accelerate(), brake(), boost () .
This classPlayer , it's a class which takes name, age, rank as attributes and which uses the following methods: pass(), pass2(), shoot(), jump(), score
This program creating a simple digital clock with a purple background and white text , using the Tkinter library in Python.
This HTML and CSS code delves into the world of CSS transformations, specifically showcasing the use of the transform property with the skewX function.
This code sets up a simple Tkinter window for a number guessing game, where the user can input a guess, click a "Check" button, and receive feedback on whether their guess is correct or not.
This program is a Python script that demonstrates the manipulation of JSON files using the "json" module, this program demonstrates how to create, read, modify, and update a JSON file in Python using the json module. It showcases the use of json.dump() for writing JSON data to a file and json.load() for reading JSON data from a file.
This is a Java program defines a Point class coordinates, offering methods for coordinate manipulation and distance calculation.
A Python program showcasing a Point class designed to take The point information and return the distance () , Norm()
This program presents a form for collecting personal information, taste preferences, and photo submissions. It includes styled input fields for personal details, checkboxes for tastes, and a file upload for photos. The design focuses on interactivity and visual appeal, employing CSS for enhanced presentation in three distinct sections.
Various methods...!
The Bank Account Management System is a simple Tkinter-based application that allows users to create and manage bank accounts.
A Part of a database system related to a training center or educational institution.
This Python code implements a basic Employee Management System using object-oriented programming principles.
Displays the classic "Hello, world!" message on the webpage.
Generates a multiplication table for the number 6 and displays it on the webpage.
This code snippet represents a series of interactions within a MySQL session.
Exploring the management of personnel within the Ecuri database.
This Python script creates a simple calculator using the Tkinter library. The calculator provides basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The provided SQL commands represent the setup of a database system for managing a store.
This Python code implements a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game using the Tkinter library for the graphical user interface (GUI).