Is the label going to be publicly available?

lihaoliu-cambridge opened this issue · 7 comments

Is the label going to be publicly available?

Thanks for the reply. I found it. However, how did you download data Colin27 and CANDI13 from the neuromorphometrics inc . I cannot find a download link from its website.

Dear yuankaihuo

in your paper, you use 50 oasis scans each scans has 133 labels, but miccai2012 only has 35 scans, and each scan has 134 labels, how can i get the other scans? and can you tell me the name in your training and testing set of oasis dataset? thank you.

35 in 45 training OASIS in the paper are free public available from MICCAI 2012 multi-atlas challenge. The remaining OASIS, CANDI, and Colin27 are not free, but can be purchased from neuromorphometrics inc.

Qinka commented

I can not find any label of OASIS when searching it on the Internet. Is that unavailable since 2019?