DeformUX-Net: Exploring a 3D Foundation Backbone for Medical Image Segmentation with Depthwise Deformable Convolution

Official Pytorch implementation of 3D DeformUX-Net, from the following paper:

DeformUX-Net: Exploring a 3D Foundation Backbone for Medical Image Segmentation with Depthwise Deformable Convolution. ArXiv 2023
Ho Hin Lee, Quan Liu, Qi Yang, Xin Yu, Shunxing Bao, Yuankai Huo, Bennet A. Landman
Vanderbilt University

We propose 3D DeformUX-Net, a pionneering volumetric convolutional network that adapt depthwise deformable convolution as the foundation backbone to address challenges from convolution to global-local self-attention mechanisms (e.g., glbal-local range dependency trade-off, adaptive spatial aggregation, computation efficiency) for medical image segmentation.


Please look into the for creating conda environment and package installation procedures.

Training Tutorial


Quantitative Performance on AMOS for Multi-Organ Segmentation (T.F.S: Train From Scratch)

Methods resolution #params FLOPs Mean Dice (T.F.S) Model
nn-UNet 96x96x96 31.2M 743.3G 0.850
TransBTS 96x96x96 31.6M 110.4G 0.783
UNETR 96x96x96 92.8M 82.6G 0.740
nnFormer 96x96x96 149.3M 240.2G 0.785
SwinUNETR 96x96x96 62.2M 328.4G 0.871
3D UX-Net (k=7) 96x96x96 53.0M 639.4G 0.890
UNesT (Base) 96x96x96 87.2M 258.4G 0.891
UNesT (Large) 96x96x96 279.5M 597.8G 0.891
3D RepUX-Net 96x96x96 65.8M 757.4G 0.902
3D DeformUX-Net 96x96x96 55.8M 635.8G 0.908

Quantitative Performance on KiTS, MSD Pancreas, MSD Hepatic Vessels with Five-Fold Cross-Validations

Methods KiTS Kidney MSD Pancreas MSD Hepatic Vessels
nn-UNet 0.706 0.703 0.660
TransBTS 0.669 0.679 0.613
UNETR 0.648 0.667 0.590
nnFormer 0.664 0.686 0.613
SwinUNETR 0.680 0.708 0.635
3D UX-Net (k=7) 0.697 0.676 0.652
UNesT (Base) 0.710 0.690 0.640
3D DeformUX-Net 0.720 0.717 0.671


Training instructions are in Pretrained model weights will be uploaded for public usage later on.


Efficient evaulation can be performed for the above three public datasets as follows:

python --root path_to_image_folder --output path_to_output \
--dataset flare --network DEFORMUXNET --trained_weights path_to_trained_weights \
--mode test --sw_batch_size 4 --overlap 0.7 --gpu 0 --cache_rate 0.2 \


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  author  = {Lee, Ho Hin and Liu, Quan and Yang, Qi and Yu, Xin and Bao, Shunxing and Huo, Yuankai and Landman, Bennett A},
  title   = {DeformUX-Net: Exploring a 3D Foundation Backbone for Medical Image Segmentation with Depthwise Deformable Convolution},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.00199},
  year    = {2023}