Question about absolute velo

iMbaGong opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for open-source great work!
I have a question about absolute velo computation

# calculate absolute velocity according to time difference
time_diff = img_metas[0]['time_diff'] # [B, F]
if time_diff.shape[1] > 1:
time_diff = time_diff.clone()
time_diff[time_diff < 1e-5] = 1.0
bbox_pred[..., 8:] = bbox_pred[..., 8:] / time_diff[:, 1:2, None]

Why I have to div the velo with time here? Thanks a lot!

velocity = distance / time

The model predicts distance, so we need to divide it by time.

I just didn‘t see it already a new prediction, i thought it was same as used in sampling then. Thanks a lot!