Neurocognitive aging data release with behavioral, structural, and multi-echo functional MRI measures ( Data included as part of: Age differences in the functional architecture of the human brain ( Two 10-minute multi-echo resting-state runs were collected from 301 healthy adults (181 younger, 120 older adults) across 2 sites. Acquisition parameters are summarized below. A subset of 246 participants also have T2-FLAIR images. Pulse and respiration data are available for 233 participants. Full detail can be found in the data descriptor and empirical paper linked above. Accompanying behavioral data can be found on OSF: (doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/YHZXE). **NOTE** Some participants were included as part of another openneuro dataset (DuPre et al, 2018; OpenNeuro Accession Number: ds000210), as noted by 'openneuro' in the participants file. Site 1 T1w: TR = 2530ms TE = 3.4ms Flip angle = 7 degrees Voxel size = 1mm isotropic Time = 5m25s 176 slices FLAIR: TR = 12000ms TE = 95ms TI = 2712ms Flip angle = 160 degrees Voxel size = 1x1x3mm Time = 2m36s 42 slices (11 participants have 46, 1 has 43; see participants.tsv) Rest: TR = 3000ms TE = 13.7ms, 30ms, 47ms Flip angle = 83 degrees Voxel size = 3mm isotropic Time = 10m06s Sessions = 2 204 volumes/session (1 participant has 206; see participants.tsv) Site 2 T1w: TR = 1900 ms TE = 2.52 ms Flip angle = 9 degrees Voxel size = 1mm isotropic Time = 4m26s 192 slices FLAIR: TR = 12000ms TE = 95ms TI = 2759.4ms Flip angle = 160 degrees Voxel size = .8x.8x3mm Time = 3m38s 44 slices Rest: TR = 3000ms TE = 14ms, 29.96ms, 45.92ms Flip angle = 83 degrees Voxel size = 3.4mm x 3.4mm x 3mm Time = 10m06s Sessions = 2 200 volumes/session