Congestion and Scalability in Robot Swarms: a Study on Collective Decision Making

To cite us:

      title={Congestion and Scalability in Robot Swarms: a Study on Collective Decision Making}, 
      author={Karthik Soma and Vivek Shankar Vardharajan and Heiko Hamann and Giovanni Beltrame},

Setting up the simulations for Honey Bee, Stigmergy and Divison of Labor approaches in Argos3 and Buzz.

ARGoS3 Simulator ARGoS3 simulator can also be installed from binaries please refer to the official website for more information: The instructions below are for installing ARGoS3 from its source. Official code repository: Dependencies for ARGoS3 can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev \
qt5-default freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev liblua5.3-dev \
lua5.3 doxygen graphviz graphviz-dev asciidoc

Installations for Argos3

$ git clone argos3
$ cd argos3
$ mkdir build_simulator
$ cd build_simulator
$ cmake ../src
$ make
$ sudo make install

Installations for Buzz

$ cd Buzz
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Installations for Khepera V

$ git clone
$ mkdir build_sim
$ cd build_sim
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src
$ make
$ sudo make install

Building the loop function for ARGoS:

$ cd loop_fun_src/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make

Building the Buzz scripts:

cd buzz_scripts
bzzc -I includes/ HoneyBee_pm.bzz
bzzc -I includes/ HoneyBee_wpm.bzz
bzzc -I includes/ StigmergyDatabase.bzz
bzzc -I includes/ StigmergyConsensus.bzz
bzzc -I includes/ DivsionOfLabor.bzz

To run the experiments:

argos3 -c DDMkhepera_HoneyBee.argos #Honey Bee inspired approach
argos3 -c DDMkhepera_stigmergy_divisonoflabor.argos # Stigmergy and division of labor 
argos3 -c DDMkhepera_stigmergy.argos #Stigmergy approach

Data Processing files:

Refer to data_processing/HoneyBee.ipynb for the Honey Bee approach, data_processing/Stigmergy.ipynb for the Stigmergy approach and data_processing/DivisionOfLabor.ipynb for the Divison of labor approach.

Parameters to change:

For examples check the files DDMkhepera_HoneyBee.argos, DDMkhepera_stigmergy_divisonoflabor.argos and DDMkhepera_stigmergy.argos.

                  label="LABEL NAME" 
                  robots = "NUMBER OF ROBOTS"
                  dir = "DATA FILE OUTPUT DIRECTORY"
                  seed = "SEED NUMBER"
                  rab_range = "RANGE OF ROBOTS"
                  rab_range_beacon = "RANGE OF BEACONS"
                  rab_data_size = "MESSAGE SIZE IN BYTES"
                  fill_ratio_white = "ZONE A FILL RATIO"
                  fill_ratio_black = "ZONE B FILL RATIO"
                  out_file = "OUTPUT FILE CLASS NAME"/>