[QUESTION] Configuration of DSG Loop Closure Detection with the new release of Hydra

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi! First of all, thank you for sharing this great framework. We started using hydra a while ago and we are now moving our changes to the new release of hydra. We are interested in running hydra only with Teaser++ loop closure registration, we believe that this can be achieved by setting the flag "enable_agent_registration" to false. However, when setting it to false in the new release of hydra for the rosbag "uhumans2_office_s1_00h.bag" (office environment of uHumans2), Teaser++ does not seem to find any valid loop closure (loop_closures.csv file is empty). Is there some other configuration that we need to change to make it work with Teaser++?

Additional information that can help understand the problem:

  1. We are running hydra with kimera using these two commands:

roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_uhumans2.launch online:=true viz_type:=1 use_lcd:=true lcd_no_detection:=true

roslaunch hydra_ros uhumans2.launch use_gt_frame:=false enable_dsg_lcd:=true start_visualizer:=false

  1. When running the new release of hydra with "enable_agent_registration = true", the output file loop_closures.csv contains approximately 90-100 entries. All of them finishing with type=1 and level=0 (which, if we understood correctly refer to the agent registration)

  2. Debugging the execution of Teaser++ registration, it can reach registerDsgLayerSemantic function in registration.h approximately 2030 times: of those, approximately 1800 times it fails due to a low number of inliers (the most common output is: "Not enough inliers for registration at layer 2: 2 / 5"); and 200 times it fails because the result is not valid (being the result the output from the solve function: teaser::RegistrationSolution result = solver.solve(src_points, dest_points); if (!result.valid) {}).

We appreciate any help! Let us know if some more insights or results are needed:)

UPDATE: We have observed this behavior (empty loop_closures.csv file) with the default configuration for inlier_selection_mode (PMC_EXACT) and with PMC_HEU and KCORE_HEU. Setting that parameter to NONE provides loop closures.

Hi, thanks for your interest in our work! The basic behavior you're outlining all checks out (i.e., that you're seeing about ~100 detected agent loop closures for the office scene, that enable_agent_registration:=false turns off agent loop closures, and turning off teaser outlier rejection gives you scene graph loop closures). I admittedly haven't run with the scene graph-based loop closures recently, so I'm not entirely sure why there aren't any valid loop closures being detected (from what I remember from running experiments, there should be around 200 or so valid object-based loop closures for the office).

I will look into this on my side, but here are a couple follow up items:

  • Have you changed any of Hydra's loop closure detection parameters beyond the teaser inlier selection mode?
  • Can you turn up the logging verbosity (verbosity:=5 in combination with glog_to_file:=true and glog_dir:=some/output/path would make a convenient set of logs to upload to the issue)?
  • Are you seeing any other warnings or errors when running? The LCD code is admittedly a little brittle, and so there's a chance that something else I'm forgetting is configured incorrectly and discarding potentially valid loop closures prematurely

Hi Nathan, thank you very much for your answer! Regarding the follow up items:

  1. We have tested changing the parameters to match the ones of the previous release of hydra but the result was the same. Then, dsg_lcd_config.yaml looked like this:

lcd_visualizer_ns: /dsg/lcd_visualizer
lcd_agent_horizon_s: 3.5
descriptor_creation_horizon_m: 15.0
enable_agent_registration: true #false
place_histogram_config: {min: 0.5, max: 2.5, bins: 30}
num_semantic_classes: 20
object_extraction: {fixed_radius: true, max_radius_m: 13.0}
places_extraction: {fixed_radius: true, max_radius_m: 13.0}
min_correspondences: 5
min_inliers: 5
log_registration_problem: false
registration_output_path: ''
recreate_subgraph: false
min_time_separation_s: 100.0 #CG: original 25.0
min_score: 0.01 #CG: original 0.040
min_registration_score: 0.01 # this gets overriden
max_registration_matches: 1 #CG: orignal 2
min_score_ratio: 1.0 #CG: original 0.95
min_match_separation_m: 0.0
type: L1
min_time_separation_s: 100.0 #CG: original 25.0
min_score: 0.3
min_registration_score: 0.80 #CG: original 0.90
max_registration_matches: 5 #CG: original 2
min_score_ratio: 0.7 #CG: original 0.9
min_match_separation_m: 5.0
type: L1
min_time_separation_s: 100.0 #CG: original 25.0
min_score: 0.5 #CG: original 0.2
min_registration_score: 1.5
max_registration_matches: 5
min_score_ratio: 0.7
min_match_separation_m: 5.0
type: L1
estimate_scaling: false
noise_bound: 0.100
cbar2: 1.0
rotation_gnc_factor: 1.4
rotation_max_iterations: 100
rotation_cost_threshold: 1.0e-6
kcore_heuristic_threshold: 0.5
inlier_selection_mode: PMC_EXACT #CG: original PMC_EXACT; other options: PMC_HEU, KCORE_HEU and NONE
max_clique_time_limit: 3600

  1. Regarding the logs, you can find them attached.

  2. We did get some (it depends between runs but can be around 100-150 times) tf warnings during the execution referring to extrapolation into the future (i.e., Failed to get tf from base_link_kimera to world @ 224054900000 [ns]. Reason: Lookup would require extrapolation 0.100000000s into the future. Requested time 224.054900000 but the latest data is at time 223.954900000, when looking up transform from frame [base_link_kimera] to frame [world]. canTransform returned after 2.1407e-05 timeout was 0). The time of the extrapolation varies between 0.25s and 0.05s. We forgot to mention that when running the rosbag we are using the --clock flag: rosbag play bags/uHumans2_office_s1_00h.bag --clock

(Sorry, I closed the issue by accident as posting the comment)