Exported RobustPGO access rights for protected members

Closed this issue · 11 comments

When using RobustPGO in Spark VIO I fail to compile with the following errors:

error: ‘isSpecialSymbol’ was not declared in this scope
         if (isSpecialSymbol(symb.chr())) {

error: ‘addAndCheckIfOptimize’ was not declared in this scope
               addAndCheckIfOptimize(new_factors, new_values);

and similar in other locations around the RobustSolver.cpp module. These don't pop up when I make and then ctest the RobustPGO project, so it might be worth it to try to replicate in a test or to at least figure out why the package compiles without error from the RobustPGO repo.

These failures are all inside of RobustSolver::update_batch(gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph, const gtsam::Values&, const gtsam::Key&)

These members are protected members of the GenericSolver class, of which RobustSolver is a derived class. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be accessible to the RobustSolver class.

Worth noting that I'm currently failing testLandmark, testLoadGraph, and testMultiRobot. I'm using feature/multirobot after the CMakeLists fix merge from fix/cmake_issues.

yunzc commented

Interesting. Could you copy the test failure messages for the tests that you are failing so I can see them here? I'm not getting these failures for some reason.
Also, are you directly using update_batch?

I never call update_batch() directly. I only call update. But it doesn't even get that far because these are compile errors on the RobustPGO::RobustSolver.h file itself, not any specific function in my code.

When I run make check in the build folder:

Test project /home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/build
    Start 1: testLandmark
1/9 Test #1: testLandmark .....................***Failed    0.01 sec
    Start 2: testLoadGraph
2/9 Test #2: testLoadGraph ....................***Failed    0.18 sec
    Start 3: testMultiRobot
3/9 Test #3: testMultiRobot ...................***Failed    0.02 sec
    Start 4: testPcm
4/9 Test #4: testPcm ..........................   Passed    0.03 sec
    Start 5: testPcmDoOptimize
5/9 Test #5: testPcmDoOptimize ................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 6: testPcmSimple
6/9 Test #6: testPcmSimple ....................   Passed    0.03 sec
    Start 7: testPoseWithCovariance
7/9 Test #7: testPoseWithCovariance ...........   Passed    1.16 sec
    Start 8: testPoseWithNode
8/9 Test #8: testPoseWithNode .................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 9: testTrajectory
9/9 Test #9: testTrajectory ...................   Passed   12.21 sec

67% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 9

Total Test time (real) =  13.66 sec

The following tests FAILED:
	  1 - testLandmark (Failed)
	  2 - testLoadGraph (Failed)
	  3 - testMultiRobot (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
CMakeFiles/check.dir/build.make:57: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/check' failed
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/check] Error 8
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:221: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/check.dir/all' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:228: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/check.dir/rule' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:181: recipe for target 'check' failed
make: *** [check] Error 2

For make

/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLandmark.cpp:19: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLandmark.cpp:173: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLandmark.cpp:327: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
There were 3 failures
tests/CMakeFiles/ recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[3]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 3
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:407: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:414: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
Makefile:171: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2

For make

/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:19: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:52: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:111: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:146: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
RobustSolver::addOdometry expects single factor and single value.
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:207: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:235: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:268: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:329: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:362: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:424: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:457: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
RobustSolver::addOdometry expects single factor and single value.
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testLoadGraph.cpp:518: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
There were 12 failures
tests/CMakeFiles/ recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[3]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 12
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:439: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:446: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
Makefile:186: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2

For make

/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testMultiRobot.cpp:19: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
/home/marcus/code/RobustPGO/tests/testMultiRobot.cpp:188: Failure: "Exception: Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative" 
There were 2 failures
tests/CMakeFiles/ recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[3]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:309: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:316: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2
Makefile:126: recipe for target 'tests/CMakeFiles/' failed
make: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/] Error 2

Passing all tests after I enabled the two gtsam options mentioned in the Readme.

However, the compiler issues are still there.

yunzc commented

Can you also post the compiler error messages here when you get the chance?

Still haven't figured out why this is happening, but I managed to fix it simply by moving the definition of update_batch() to the .cpp file instead of keeping it in the header file. Since this is better form anyway it doesn't seem like a bad thing to pr into the code base.

Came across this interesting link regarding a similar problem when using templated classes. Not the same issue we have but it's still worth a look.

yunzc commented

Ahh I see. Nice, I've been meaning to do that anyways. Thanks!

yunzc commented

Reopen because this is causing runtime errors on my 16.04 machine
./RpgoReadG2o: symbol lookup error: ./RpgoReadG2o: undefined symbol: _ZN9RobustPGO12RobustSolver11updateBatchEN5gtsam20NonlinearFactorGraphERKNS1_6ValuesERKm

But works fine on 18.04

yunzc commented

Solved by making RobustPGO a static library. Keeping an eye out on this in case there are more problems.

yunzc commented

Ahh as I suspected this might cause problems on the LAMP side... have to investigate further

yunzc commented

RobustPGO kept as SHARED library. Still some issues if run on some laptops with Ubuntu 16.04 but generally works fine with 18.04