Deprecated GTSAM calls

ToniRV opened this issue · 2 comments

/home/tonirv/Code/RobustPGO/KimeraRPGO/utils/geometry_utils.h:224:28: error: ‘const class gtsam::BetweenFactor<gtsam::Pose3>’ has no member named ‘get_noiseModel’; did you mean ‘noiseModel’?

Had to enable GTSAM_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_SINCE_V4 to fix this issue.
Would be great to move completely to V4 though...

Could you explain how to enable GTSAM_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_SINCE_V4 in detail?
Thank you.

yunzc commented

@Z-Jeff I believe we not longer need to enable the GTSAM_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_SINCE_V4 flag in GTSAM.