
Welcome to the repository for the Modern Control course instructed by Dr. Taghirad at K. N. Toosi University of Technology. This repository contains resources, materials, and assignments related to the course.

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Modern Control Course - Dr. Taghirad - K. N. Toosi University of Technology

Welcome to the repository for the Modern Control course instructed by Dr. Taghirad at K. N. Toosi University of Technology. This repository contains resources, materials, and assignments related to the course.

Course Description

This course covers fundamental concepts and advanced topics in modern control theory, including state-space representation, stability analysis, controllability, observability, pole placement, state feedback, optimal control, and more.



  • Lectures: Lecture slides and materials will be posted here.
  • Assignments: Homework assignments and related documents.
  • Projects: Information about course projects and related resources.
  • Resources: Additional resources, such as textbooks, reference materials, and supplementary readings.

Course Structure

  • Week 1-2: Introduction to Modern Control Theory
  • Week 3-4: State-Space Representation
  • Week 5-6: Stability Analysis
  • Week 7-8: Controllability and Observability
  • Week 9-10: Pole Placement and State Feedback
  • Week 11-12: Optimal Control


  • Basic knowledge of linear algebra
  • Understanding of differential equations
  • Familiarity with basic control theory concepts

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
   git clone https://github.com/your-username/modern-control-course.git
  1. Access the respective folders for lectures, assignments, and projects.

  2. Stay updated with announcements and materials posted here.


  • For any questions or concerns regarding the course, please feel free to open an issue in this repository or contact Dr. Taghirad via email.


  • Contributions to improve the content of this repository are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open a pull request.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to modify and customize this template according to your specific requirements and the structure of the course.