
A naïve implementation of rsync parallelisation that splits the tasks per first-level entries.

Primary LanguageD


This project aims to create a naïve parallel version of rsync that will try to run a configurable number of rsync instaces, one per entry in the first level folder.

Only --dry-run, --delete and --link-dest are parsed and taken into account (and adapted as needed). Any other option will be passed as-is to rsync.

Assumptions and scope

rsync is a generic tool, and some use cases are beyond the scope of this tool. In particular:

  • It is assumed that, if hard links are to be preserved, there are no hard links across first-level folders. If there are, they won't be copied as such, but as two different files.
  • It is assumed that the last two arguments are src and dst, and that both of them are local directories. The behavior of trailing slashes is mimicked, modulo bugs.


Direct usage

The tool will automatically build itself, provided that you have both DMD and DUB installed:

folder_rsync.d <regular rsync command line options>

Manual build

You can also build it manually for distribution:

dub build --single folder_rsync.d

Environment variables

  • OMP_NUM_THREADS overrides the number of threads to be creates.
  • LOG sets the log level. The possible options, in order of descending detail, are:
    • all
    • trace
    • info
    • warning
    • error
    • critical
    • fatal
    • off

Return codes

It's really impossible to forward all the information concerning the different children processes. In order to offer a somewhat useful result code, the following rules are used:

  • If there is no error, then no error (status 0) is returned.
  • The first status code will be returned, unless it is a "file vanished" issue, which should be harmless.
  • "File vanished" (status 24) will only be returned if it's the only non-zero return code from the different