
This is a package that adapts the pompy library to the ROS (kinetic) and Coppeliasim (4.1.0) simulator, including a Python script that simulates the gas sensor in Coppeliasim.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This package adapts the pompy library to the ROS (kinetic) and Coppeliasim (4.1.0) simulator, including a Python script that simulates the gas sensor in Coppeliasim.

Install Dependencies

  • Pompy

      $ pip install pompy
  • Numpy

      $ pip install numpy


To run the Ros_Pompy_CoppeliaSim simulation, first, clone this repository and other packages needed in your workspace:

    $ git clone https://github.com/MSathler/coppelia_remote_pc.git
    $ git clone https://github.com/MSathler/ros_pompy_coppeliasim.git
  • Coppelia_Remote_PC: To visualizate Point Clount into Coppeliasim install the following package and read the instructions in https://github.com/MSathler/coppelia_remote_pc.git :

How to run

With CoppeliaSim

  $ roscore
  $ coppelia

In Coppelia, open the sensor_scene.ttt and start the simulation.


  $ roslaunch ros_pompy_coppeliasim ros_pompy.launch
  $ rosrun coppeliasim_remote_pc pc_coppelia.py

Without CoppeliaSim

  $ roscore
  $ rosrun coppeliasim_remote_pc pc_coppelia.py

Then open Rviz and display a PointCloud1.


pompy rviz coppeliasim

coppelia_pompy gas_reads