
Different shapes and waves for testing the performance of the online VR controll of two Franka Emika Panda robots

Primary LanguagePython

VR Tracking Data

This repository contains data regarding the moveit_vive VR control system for robots. The system is througly presenented in the MCs thesis (link soon available and BibTeX for the people interested in referring to the work).

All the packages developed and used for the thesis is in the github repositories below. The code will be released when the thesis is accepted (around end of July 2020).

The data is generated and collected using the ROS packages:

Common Information

To generate 3D trajectory graph run:

cd {where plot_tracking.py is located}
python plot_tracking.py /dir/to/data.csv


cd {where plot_tracking_two_files.py is located}
python plot_tracking_two_files.py /dir/to/left.csv /dir/to/right.csv

To generate 2D graphs run:

cd {where plot_graph.py is located}
python plot_graph.py /dir/to/data.csv


cd {where plot_graph.py is located}
python plot_graph_two_files.py /dir/to/left.csv /dir/to/right.csv

Demonstration of using the system to carry an object in simulation