
Tool to obtain ancestry and genotype information from a mouth swab sample of a horse sequenced at low-coverage

Table of contents

General info

This project aims to develop a pipeline that allows to obtain ancestry and phenotype information from a horse sample sequenced at low-coverage. It was developed as part of my Masters Thesis in Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution. This repo contains all the scripts used to achieve the Thesis' aim and instructions to obtain the raw data and reproduce the analysis. In order to automate the process I additionally developed two nextflow pipelines: one for mapping of the horse sample and one for imputation of the missing genotype positions to allow ancestry and phenotype analysis available at nf-pipelines.


In order to utilise this tool and reproduce my analysis, make sure have access to an HPC or HTC. The computing languages and bioinformatics tools used are the following:


  • bash (4.2.46)
  • Python (3.6.1)
  • R (3.6.1)

Bioinformatic Tools

  • BamUtils (1.0.14)
  • BWA (0.7.8)
  • Bowtie2 (bowtie/2.2.6)
  • fastq-tools (0.8.3)
  • FastQC (0.11.9)
  • FastX (0.0.14)
  • Java (jdk-8u144)
  • Picard (2.6.0)
  • Samtools (1.3.1)
  • ShapeIt (2.778)
  • Beagle (4.0)
  • evalAdmix (0.95)
  • Eigensoft (3.0)
  • AdmixTools (7.0.2)

Python modules

  • argparse
  • copy
  • csv
  • numpy
  • os
  • pandas
  • re
  • matplotlib

R packages

  • tidyverse
  • pophelper
  • dplyr
  • ggplot2
  • gridExtra
  • tools
  • RColorBrewer
  • ggforce
  • gghighlight
  • ggpubr
  • scales
  • grid


Before reproducing this analysis, make sure you have the required tools in the correct version installed on your HPC machine.

Retrieving the raw data

  • The horse sample analysed is available upon request from Vincent Savolainen HPC environment. To run the analysis using the script provided in this repo, move the reads to data/Benson.

  • The reference panel raw sequences (FASTQ format) can be downloaded from ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) by submitting the job job_submissions/

  • The Horse reference sequence is available to download from NCBI by submitting the job job_submissions/ By running this script you will also update the header to contain information on the chromosome position and index the reference genome (bwa index).


  • To map the raw sample reads to the Horse reference genomes submit the job job_submissions/
  • To map the reference panel sequences submit the job job_submissions/


  • To remove reads with quality lower than 10 and merge the mapped reads of the horse sample, submit the job job_submissions/
  • to merge the mapped reads of the reference panel you need to:
  1. generate a bam list by running sh general/ -m on the remote cluster;
  2. scp the bam list (data/bam.list) to your local machine and run python3 mapping/ -b data/bam.list -o data/ -i data/cleaned_data/info_all.csv -r Run -g BioSample to generate two csv files with files that require and do not require merging;
  3. run Rscript --vanilla mapping/move_nomerge.r to generate a move.list of files that do not require merging;
  4. scp the to_merge.csv, no_merge.csv and move.list files to the HPC;
  5. now you can submit the job job_submissions/ as a job array with the same number of jobs as the to_merge.csv file (wc -l data/to_merge.csv);
  6. move the files that do not require merging to the same folder as the merged files by running sh mapping/;
  7. regenerate the bam.list with the merged reference panel sh general/ -m (comment the line used to generate the first list and un-comment the following line).

Deduplicate and clip overlapping read pairs

  • To deduplicate and clip overlapping read pairs on the merged horse bam file submit the job job_submissions/;
  • for the reference panel run job_submissions/;
  • to calculate the average depth after this step in the reference panel run:
for i in results/wgs_data/depth/*.txt; do cat $i>> results/wgs_data/depth/depths.txt; done

awk '{ total += $1 } END { print total/NR }' results/wgs_data/depth/depths.txt > results/wgs_data/depth/avg_depth.txt

SNP calling

ANGSD was used to call genotypes (p-value to call SNPs set to -SNP_pval 1e-6).

  • To perform variant calling on the reference panel run job_submissions/

Phasing of the reference panel

ShapeIt was used to phase the reference panel. The phasing algorithm was performed on each individual chromosome.

  • To phase the reference panel per chromosome run job_submissions/;
  • to concatenate the phased vcf files run job_submissions/

SNP calling and Imputation

Angsd was used for a preliminary variants calling (p-value to call SNPs set to -SNP_pval 1e-1). To speed up the SNP calling algorithm, the search of SNPs in the horse sample file was limited to the variants identified in the reference panel. Variants calling was followed by imputation of the missing geneotypes with Beagle 4.0.

  • To call variants and impute missing genotypes run the job job_submissions/

Ancestry analysis

  • First, remove singletons and sites in LD with vcftools and Plink respectively by submitting job_submissions/;
  • to create a --keep file to run the PCA also without Przewalski and Przewalski hybrids run analysis/PCA_no_Prz.r;
  • to conduct the PCA analysis with and without Przewalski and Przewalski hybrids submit job_submissions/;
  • to conduct the ancestry analysis submit job_submissions/;
  • to evaluate the results of admixture submit job_submissions/ as a job array with one job per number of ancestral K populations tried;
  • scp the PCA results, the .Q files from the admixture analysis and the .txt files from the evalAdmix runs locally in the results/ancestry directory;
  • to extract the basename from the bam file list for F in $(cat data/bam1.list); do basename $F _dedup_overlapclipped.bam >> data/ancestry/identifiers.txt; done;
  • run the scripts analysis/Breeds_table.r, analysis/PCA_plotting.r and analysis/admixture_plotting.r to produce the plots of interest;
  • create a parameter file to convert ped to eigenstrat format and submit the job job_submissions/ The parameter file should look like this:
genotypename:    treemix.ped
snpname: # or, either works 
indivname:       treemix.ped # or example.ped, either works
outputformat:    EIGENSTRAT
genotypeoutname: treemix.eigenstratgeno
snpoutname:      treemix.snp
indivoutname:    treemix.ind
familynames:     NO
  • scp locally the .ind file produced from the above analysis and run analysis/ind_add_pop.r to add the population individuals belong to the file and move the file back to the HPC;
  • generate all possible combinations of source populations running the R script analysis/generate_pops.r. Move the .tsv file obtained to HPC to run the f3 analysis or alternatively, create a customised tsv file with the combinations of populations of interest;
  • create the parameter file for the f3 analysis including the eigenstrat files (.snp, .ind, .geno) and the populations file and submit job_submissions/ The parameter file should look like this:
genotypename: treemix.eigenstratgeno
snpname: treemix.snp
indivname: treemixpop.ind ##modified .ind file obtained from ind_add_pop.r
popfilename: pop_combos_all.tsv ##tab-delimited file with population combinations
  • to filter out the unnecessary information from the output of the f3 analysis and keep just the rows starting with 'result:' use grep 'result:' f3stat_poplist.txt > f3stat_poplist_filtered.txt;
  • to visualise and summarise the results of the f3 analysis in plots and tables run analysis/f3_analysis.r and analysis/;


The plots used in the write-up were created with the following scripts:

  • The table containing the number of individuals in the reference panel and their breeds was produced with the R script analysis/Breeds_table.r;
  • PCA results were plotted with the R script analysis/PCA_plotting.r;
  • cross-validation, Admixture and evalAdmix plots were produced by running analysis/admixture_plotting.r;

Phenotype inference

To find whether some SNPs associated with phenotypes of interest were present on the horse sample you need to:

  1. generate a list of genomic positions for the QTLs and Mendelian traits of interest run Rscript data/gene_variants/all_traits.r. The csv file (all_traits.csv) from which the genomic positions were obtained was manually curated by me based on the article: Ten years of the horse reference genome: insights into equine biology, domestication and population dynamics in the post-genome era.
  2. covert between a list of genomic positions in the format chromosome:start position-end position run cat data/gene_variants/angsd_pos.txt | sed 's/:/\t/' | sed 's/-/\t/' > data/gene_variants/angsd_final.file.
  3. finally, run the script job_submissions/

To produce tables with all Mendelian traits and QTLs included in the anlysis, as well as the phenotypic variants found in the horse sample analysis/phenotype.r.


Project is: in progress


Created by @MaddalenaCella - feel free to contact me!