
Multiple goals navigation whic is set by YAML file and the goals are send to Move_base with actionclient

Primary LanguageC++

added function



Based on this project, I improved the program and deleted the redundant parts of the program. Now I can add unlimited waypoints, and for drones, I added the function to land automatically after the program is executed. In addition to this, some minor bugs in the program have been fixed.

Here is the readme file of the original program.👇


Multiple goals navigation which is set by YAML file and the goals are send to Move_base with actionclient


This package is used to send a specific goal to a move_base topic which the goal is defined in a YAML file. This package is tested with husky simulator in UBUNTU 16.04 with ROS version Kinetic and Melodic.

How to Launch

For the husky simulation

$ sudo apt-get install ros-$YOUR_ROS_DISTRO-husky-navigation

in different terminal launch

$ roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_playpen.launch
$ roslaunch husky_viz view_robot.launch
$ roslaunch husky_navigation amcl_demo.launch 

for more information about husky, you can read in http://wiki.ros.org/husky_navigation

For the multi_goal_navigation

roslaunch multi_goal_driver multi_goal_driver.launch 

rosrun rviz rviz


Joshua Phartogi https://github.com/Jphartogi

Mafumaful https://github.com/Mafumaful