
GameHack - Feb 2013

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Multiplayer Beat-Em-Up game with lobby, matches, punches and a chicken!

Made during a 24 hour hackathon at #GameHackDays - Feb 2013
And then modified to be compatible with mobile devices on FirefoxOS hacknight

Demo - Requires 4 players, ask your friends to join!


  • Clone the repo.
  • Install node.js.
  • Go to /server, install express.js (npm install express) and socket.io (npm install socket.io).
  • Run the server (node app.js)
  • Navigate in Chrome / Firefox / IE10 / FirefoxOS / iOS to localhost:8080


By default the match size is 6 players (so you need at least six people to play). You can change that number in server/modules/lobby.js by edditing the matchSize variable. Ideally it should be an even number so that you have two teams of equal size.


You can hit other people with the Z key, and walk with the arrow keys (, , , ). Your team needs to pick up the chicken (by punching it, obviously) and keep hold of it to score points. The team with the highest score wins.

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