
Pure pursuit in pure ROS (Noetic)

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pure Pursuit

passing license


To run this project, you need to complete the localization and record the waypoints.
Here are two corresponding projects: ROS_NDT_Localizer for the localization and ROS_Waypoints_Processor for waypoints recording & loading :)


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS Melodic


  • Waypoints record file (.txt format)
  • RosBag for offline testing


  • input
    /waypoints (nav_msgs::Path)
    /odom (nav_msgs::Odometry)

  • output
    /cmd_acker (ackermann_msgs::AckermannDriveStamped)
    /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs::Twist)
    /lookahead (visualization_msgs::Marker)

How to use

  • Move the project into the ROS workspace (e.g. ~/ros_ws/src/)

  • Build the project in the ROS workspace

    cd ros_ws/
  • Setup the configuration in pure_pursuit_node.launch

    <arg name="wheel_base" default="1.0" doc="wheelbase"/>
      <arg name="lookahead_distance" default="4.0" doc="lookahead distance"/>
      <arg name="w_max" default="1.0" doc="max rotational velocity"/>
      <arg name="position_tolerance" default="0.1" doc="position tolerance"/>
      <arg name="delta_vel" default="100.0" doc="steering angle velocity"/>
      <arg name="acc" default="100.0" doc="acceleration"/>
      <arg name="jerk" default="100.0" doc="jerk"/>
      <arg name="delta_max" default="1.57" doc="steering angle limit"/>
      <arg name="map_frame_id" default="map" doc="map frame id"/>
      <arg name="robot_frame_id" default="base_link" doc="robot frame id"/>
      <arg name="lookahead_frame_id" default="lookahead" doc="lookahead frame id"/>
      <arg name="acker_frame_id" default="rear_axle_midpoint" doc="ackermann frame id"/>
  • Complete the localization and the waypoints loading steps, e.g. ROS_NDT_Localizer & ROS_Waypoints_Processor.

  • Run the Pure-Pursuit

    • Source the setup.bash

      cd ros_ws
      source devel/setup.bash
    • Launch the Pure-Pursuit node

      roslaunch pure_pursuit pure_pursuit_node.launch
  • Play the rosbag for offline testing

    rosbag play offline_testing.bag
  • Subscribe the ackermann messages from the topic /cmd_acker.

    <!--  Demo  -->
      seq: 224
        secs: 1649337997
        nsecs:  48033928
      frame_id: ''
      steering_angle: 0.270921677351
      steering_angle_velocity: 100.0
      speed: 0.10000000149
      acceleration: 100.0
      jerk: 100.0


Part of the code refers to the open-sourced project Autoware

Related projects in pure ROS (Melodic)