PhD from the Humboldt University of Berlin in bioinformatics and molecular genetics. Currently working for MGI (part of BGI group) as bioinformatics scientist.
ManuelDelpero's Following
- nf-core
- nanoporetechOxford, UK
- snakemake
- dbhayal9
- ofybenim
- pau-lala
- lh3DFCI & Harvard University
- johanneskoesterUniversity of Duisburg-Essen
- afonsoguerra@HerpeslabNL
- Olivia117Harvard Medical School
- Maarten-vd-SandeSolynta
- pjotrpUniversity of Tenneseee
- BDeLuccaJoya Schuhe GmbH
- freeseek@broadinstitute
- dzerbino
- at7
- andrewyatzEMBL-EBI
- ens-ap5EMBL-EBI
- astridgallCambridge, UK
- danieletapparelli
- ageitgeyVarious places
- alegroaz
- georgeg0University of Dundee
- ppsbs
- thepajBerlin, Germany
- perborgenCo-founder at Scrimba
- for-giobbe
- BrandoCaserotti
- FrancescoPenasaReply, UNITN alumni
- yiuhyuk
- annacsalvador
- neumannguibLeibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
- haozhu233Tufts University
- mozooDepartment of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna
- kbromanUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison