
A curated list of awesome MapleStory emulators, libraries and software.

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Awesome License

A curated list of awesome MapleStory emulators, libraries and software.

Table of Contents


KMS (Korea)

  • N/A

GMS (Global)

  • HeavenMS - An improved server based on MapleSolaxia (v83 MapleStory private server)
  • Maple.js - MapleStory Server core using Node.js
  • Destiny - Open-source MapleStory server emulation software
  • Valhalla - A Golang MapleStory (v28) server
  • Orpheus - Open Source MapleStory Server Emulator (v83)

JMS (Japan)

  • N/A

CMS (China)

TMS (Taiwan)

MSTH (Thailand)

  • N/A





  • BannedStory 4 - The most powerful character creation tool for MapleStory, BannedStory allows you to create animated characters, monsters, pets, effects, skills, chat balloons and name tags.
  • MapleStory Network - The best MapleStory simulator and character designer, crafted by maplers for maplers.
  • MapleStory Simulator



  • WzComparerR2 - Maplestory online Extractor
  • Harepacker-resurrected - File/Level editor for MapleStory game files
  • HaSuite - A suite of MapleStory utilities
  • PharaohStroy - A maplestory IDE which can develop the multi-platform maplestory game
  • MapleShark - MapleShark is a MapleStory sniffer that works with SharpPcap. Sniff dem packetzz!

Other Awesome Lists

A curated list of awesome lists can be found at awesome.re.



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