
42 all projects overview.



Here you can find all the projects I have done during my time at 42 Lausanne.

I'm currently working on Piscine Cybersecurity to learn more about the world of cybersecurity.

Rank 00
Name Language Topics Status
Libft C Makefile Library Function 100/100
Rank 01
Name Language Topics Status
get_next_line C Unix Algorithms & AI 125/100
ft_printf C Unix Algorithms & AI 100/100
Born2beroot Shell Network sys admin 125/100
Rank 02
Name Language Topics Status
so_long C Graphics 2D 125/100
minitalk C Rigor Unix signals 115/100
push_swap C Sorting algorithms 84/100
Exam Rank 02 C Exam 100/100
Rank 03
Name Language Topics Status
Philosophers C Imperative programming 100/100
minishell C Imperative programming 97/100
Exam Rank 03 C Exam 100/100
Rank 04
Name Language Topics Status
cub3d C Graphics 120/100
NetPractice Network System administration 100/100
CPP_Module C++ Object-oriented programming 100/100
Exam Rank 04 C Exam 100/100
Rank 05
Name Language Topics Status
Inception C Graphics 115/100
webserv Network System administration Unix 100/100
Exam Rank 05 C++ Exam 100/100
Rank 06
Name Language Topics Status
ft_transcendence TypeScript Group & interpersonal Web 98/100
Exam Rank 06 C Exam 100/100
Piscine Cybersecurity
Name Language Topics Status