
Tool to build production-ready pipelines for experimentation with Kedro, MLflow, and more

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Pipeline for eXperimentation

PyPI version Python Version Code Style: Black


PipelineX is a Python package designed to make Machine Learning projects efficient with modular, reusable, and easy-to-use features for experimentation.

Please refer here to find out how PipelineX differs from other pipeline/workflow packages: Airflow, Luigi, Gokart, Metaflow, and Kedro.

PipelineX provides enhancements for YAML/JSON useful for parameter management summarized as follows.

  • Import-less Python object: Include (nested) Python classes and functions in a YAML/JSON file
  • Anchor-less aliasing: Look up another key in the same YAML/JSON file
  • Python expression in YAML/JSON files

PipelineX provides enhancements for Kedro summarized as follows.

  • Kedro pipeline/DAG definition in a YAML/JSON file with more options
  • Additional Kedro-compatible data interface sets ("DataSets") for Computer Vision applications
  • Additional decorators for benchmarking
  • Integration with MLflow that enables to save metrics to a database supported by SQLAlchemy (SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.)

PipelineX includes integration with the following Python packages.

These wrappers are all independent and optional. You do not need to install all of these Python packages.

PipelineX shares similar philosophy/concepts with:

PipelineX shares similar API styles with


  • [Option 1] To install the latest release from the PyPI:
$ pip install pipelinex
  • [Option 2] To install the latest pre-release:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/Minyus/pipelinex.git
  • [Option 3] To install the latest pre-release without need to reinstall even after modifying the source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/Minyus/pipelinex.git
$ cd pipelinex
$ python setup.py develop

Example/Demo Projects

Template repositories

The following 2 template repositories for PipelineX are available.

These were simplified versions of the template project created by kedro new command which uses Cookiecutter.

To use for a new project, fork the template repository and hit Use this template button next to Clone or download.

Pythonic enhanced YAML/JSON (HatchDict)

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Import-less Python object (class and function)

YAML is a common text format used for application config files.

YAML's most notable advantage is allowing users to mix 2 styles, block style and flow style.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  key1: value1
  key2: value2
flow_style_demo: {key1: value1, key2: value2}
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

print("### 2 styles in YAML ###")
### 2 styles in YAML ###
{'block_style_demo': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'},
 'flow_style_demo': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}}

To store highly nested (hierarchical) dict or list, YAML is more conveinient than hard-coding in Python code.

  • YAML's block style, which uses indentation, allows users to omit opening and closing symbols to specify a Python dict or list ({} or []).

  • YAML's flow style, which uses opening and closing symbols, allows users to specify a Python dict or list within a single line.

So simply using YAML with Python will be the best way for Machine Learning experimentation?

Let's check out the next example.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
model_kind: LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

print("### Before ###")

model_kind = parameters.get("model_kind")
model_params_dict = parameters.get("model_params")

if model_kind == "LogisticRegression":
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(**model_params_dict)

elif model_kind == "DecisionTree":
    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
    model = DecisionTreeClassifier(**model_params_dict)

elif model_kind == "RandomForest":
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    model = RandomForestClassifier(**model_params_dict)

    raise ValueError("Unsupported model_kind.")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'model_kind': 'LogisticRegression',
 'model_params': {'C': 1.23456, 'max_iter': 987, 'random_state': 42}}

### After ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=42, solver='warn', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

This way is inefficient as we need to add import and if statements for the options in the Python code in addition to modifying the YAML config file.

Any better way?

PyYAML provides UnsafeLoader which can load Python objects without import.

import yaml
# You do not need `import sklearn.linear_model` using PyYAML's UnsafeLoader

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42

parameters = yaml.unsafe_load(params_yaml)  # unsafe_load required

model = parameters.get("model")

print("### model object by PyYAML's UnsafeLoader ###")
### model object by PyYAML's UnsafeLoader ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=None, fit_intercept=None,
                   intercept_scaling=None, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class=None, n_jobs=None, penalty=None, random_state=42,
                   solver=None, tol=None, verbose=None, warm_start=None)

PyYAML's !!python/object and !!python/name, however, has the following problems.

  • !!python/object or !!python/name are too long to write.
  • Positional (non-keyword) arguments are apparently not supported.

Any better way?

PipelineX provides the solution.

PipelineX's HatchDict provides an easier syntax, as follows, to convert Python dictionaries read from YAML or JSON files to Python objects without import.

  • Use = key to specify the package, module, and class/function with . separator in foo_package.bar_module.baz_class format.
  • [Optional] Use _ key to specify (list of) positional arguments (args) if any.
  • [Optional] Add keyword arguments (kwargs) if any.

To return an object instance like PyYAML's !!python/object, feed positional and/or keyword arguments. If there is no arguments, just feed null (known as None in Python) to _ key.

To return an uninstantiated (raw) object like PyYAML's !!python/name, just feed = key without positional nor keyword arugments.


from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look
# You do not need `import sklearn.linear_model` using PipelineX's HatchDict

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  =: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

model_dict = parameters.get("model")

print("### Before ###")

model = HatchDict(parameters).get("model")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'=': 'sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression',
 'C': 1.23456,
 'max_iter': 987,
 'random_state': 42}

### After ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=42, solver='warn', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

This import-less Python object supports nested objects (objects that receives object arguments) by recursive depth-first search.

For more examples, please see Use with PyTorch and parameters.yml in example/demo projects .

This import-less Python object feature, inspired by the fact that Kedro uses load_obj for file I/O (DataSet), uses load_obj copied from kedro.utils which dynamically imports Python objects using importlib, a Python standard library.

Anchor-less aliasing (self-lookup)

To avoid repeating, YAML natively provides Anchor&Alias Anchor&Alias feature, and Jsonnet provides Variable feature to JSON.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  train_batch_size: &batch_size 32
  val_batch_size: *batch_size
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

train_params_dict = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Conversion by YAML's Anchor&Alias feature ###")
### Conversion by YAML's Anchor&Alias feature ###
{'train_batch_size': 32, 'val_batch_size': 32}

Unfortunately, YAML and Jsonnet require a medium to share the same value.

This is why PipelineX provides Anchor-less aliasing feature.

You can directly look up another value in the same YAML/JSON file using $ key without an anchor nor variable.

To specify the nested key (key in a dict of dict), use . as the separator.


from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  train_batch_size: 32
  val_batch_size: {$: train_params.train_batch_size}
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

train_params_dict = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Before ###")

train_params = HatchDict(parameters).get("train_params")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'train_batch_size': 32,
 'val_batch_size': {'$': 'train_params.train_batch_size'}}

### After ###
{'train_batch_size': 32, 'val_batch_size': 32}

Python expression

Strings wrapped in parentheses are evaluated as a Python expression.

from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
  param1_tuple_python: (1, 2, 3)
  param1_tuple_yaml: !!python/tuple [1, 2, 3]
  param2_formula_python: (2 + 3)
  param3_neg_inf_python: (float("-Inf"))
  param3_neg_inf_yaml: -.Inf
  param4_float_1e9_python: (1e9)
  param4_float_1e9_yaml: 1.0e+09
  param5_int_1e9_python: (int(1e9))
parameters = yaml.load(params_yaml)

train_params_raw = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Before ###")

train_params_converted = HatchDict(parameters).get("train_params")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'param1_tuple_python': '(1, 2, 3)',
 'param1_tuple_yaml': (1, 2, 3),
 'param2_formula_python': '(2 + 3)',
 'param3_neg_inf_python': '(float("-Inf"))',
 'param3_neg_inf_yaml': -inf,
 'param4_float_1e9_python': '(1e9)',
 'param4_float_1e9_yaml': 1000000000.0,
 'param5_int_1e9_python': '(int(1e9))'}

### After ###
{'param1_tuple_python': (1, 2, 3),
 'param1_tuple_yaml': (1, 2, 3),
 'param2_formula_python': 5,
 'param3_neg_inf_python': -inf,
 'param3_neg_inf_yaml': -inf,
 'param4_float_1e9_python': 1000000000.0,
 'param4_float_1e9_yaml': 1000000000.0,
 'param5_int_1e9_python': 1000000000}

The unified data interface framework

Machine Learning projects involves with loading and saving various data in various ways such as:

  • files in local/network file system, Hadoop File System (HDFS), Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage
    • e.g. CSV, JSON, YAML, pickle, images, models, etc.
  • databases
    • Postgresql, MySQL etc.
  • Spark
  • REST API (HTTP(S) requests)

It is often the case that many Machine Learning Engineers code both data loading/saving and data transformation mixed in the same Python module or Jupyter notebook during experimentation/prototyping phase and suffer later on because:

  • During experimentation/prototyping, we often want to save the intermediate data after each transformation.
  • In production environments, we often want to skip saving data to minimize latency and storage space.
  • To benchmark the performance or troubleshoot, we often want to switch the data source.
    • e.g. read image files in local storage or download images through REST API

The proposed solution is the unified data interface.

Here is a simple demo example to predict survival on the Titanic.

Pipeline visualized by Kedro-viz

Common code to define the tasks/operations/transformations:

# Define tasks

def train_model(model, df, cols_features, col_target):
    # train a model here
    return model

def run_inference(model, df, cols_features):
    # run inference here
    return df

It is notable that you do not need to add any Kedro-related code here to use Kedro later on.

Furthermore, you do not need to add any MLflow-related code here to use MLflow later on as Kedro hooks provided by PipelineX can handle behind the scenes.

This advantage enables you to keep your pipelines for experimentation/prototyping/benchmarking production-ready.

  1. Plain code:
# Configure: can be written in a config file (YAML, JSON, etc.)

train_data_filepath = "data/input/train.csv"
train_data_load_args = {"float_precision": "high"}

test_data_filepath = "data/input/test.csv"
test_data_load_args = {"float_precision": "high"}

pred_data_filepath = "data/load/pred.csv"
pred_data_save_args = {"index": False, "float_format": "%.16e"}

model_kind = "LogisticRegression"
model_params_dict = {
  "C": 1.23456
  "max_iter": 987
  "random_state": 42

# Run tasks

import pandas as pd

if model_kind == "LogisticRegression":
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(**model_params_dict)

train_df = pd.read_csv(train_data_filepath, **train_data_load_args)
model = train_model(model, train_df)

test_df = pd.read_csv(test_data_filepath, **test_data_load_args)
pred_df = run_inference(model, test_df)
pred_df.to_csv(pred_data_filepath, **pred_data_save_args)
  1. Following the data interface framework, objects with _load, and _save methods, proposed by Kedro and supported by PipelineX:
# Define a data interface: better ones such as "CSVDataSet" are provided by Kedro

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

class CSVDataSet:
    def __init__(self, filepath, load_args={}, save_args={}):
        self._filepath = filepath
        self._load_args = {}
        self._save_args = {"index": False}

    def _load(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.read_csv(self._filepath, **self._load_args)

    def _save(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
        save_path = Path(self._filepath)
        save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        data.to_csv(str(save_path), **self._save_args)

# Configure data interface: can be written in catalog config file using Kedro

train_dataset = CSVDataSet(
    load_args={"float_precision": "high"},
    # save_args={"float_format": "%.16e"},  # You can set save_args for future use

test_dataset = CSVDataSet(
    load_args={"float_precision": "high"},
    # save_args={"float_format": "%.16e"},  # You can set save_args for future use

pred_dataset = CSVDataSet(
    # load_args={"float_precision": "high"},  # You can set load_args for future use
    save_args={"float_format": "%.16e"},

model_kind = "LogisticRegression"
model_params_dict = {
  "C": 1.23456
  "max_iter": 987
  "random_state": 42
cols_features = [
  "Pclass",  # The passenger's ticket class
  "Parch",  # # of parents / children aboard the Titanic
col_target = "Survived"  # Column used as the target: whether the passenger survived or not

# Run tasks: can be configured as a pipeline using Kedro
# and can be written in parameters config file using PipelineX

if model_kind == "LogisticRegression":
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(**model_params_dict)

train_df = train_dataset._load()
model = train_model(model, train_df, cols_features, col_target)

test_df = test_dataset._load()
pred_df = run_inference(model, test_df, cols_features)


Just following the data interface framework might be somewhat beneficial in the long run, but not enough.

Let's see what Kedro and PipelineX can do.


Kedro is a Python package to develop pipelines consisting of:

Kedro pipelines can be run sequentially or in parallel.

Regarding Kedro, please see:

Here is a simple example Kedro project.

#  catalog.yml

  type: pandas.CSVDataSet # short for kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.CSVDataSet
  filepath: data/input/train.csv
    float_precision: high
  # save_args: # You can set save_args for future use
  # float_format": "%.16e"

  type: pandas.CSVDataSet # short for kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.CSVDataSet
  filepath: data/input/test.csv
    float_precision: high
  # save_args: # You can set save_args for future use
  # float_format": "%.16e"

  type: pandas.CSVDataSet # short for kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.CSVDataSet
  filepath: data/load/pred.csv
  # load_args: # You can set load_args for future use
  # float_precision: high
    float_format: "%.16e"
# parameters.yml

  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
cols_features: # Columns used as features in the Titanic data table
  - Pclass # The passenger's ticket class
  - Parch # # of parents / children aboard the Titanic
col_target: Survived # Column used as the target: whether the passenger survived or not
# pipeline.py

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node

from my_module import train_model, run_inference

def create_pipeline(**kwargs):
    return Pipeline(
                inputs=["params:model", "train_df", "params:cols_features", "params:col_target"],
                inputs=["model", "test_df", "params:cols_features"],
# run.py

from kedro.runner import SequntialRunner

# Set up ProjectContext here

context = ProjectContext()
context.run(pipeline_name="__default__", runner=SequentialRunner())

Kedro pipelines can be visualized using kedro-viz.

Kedro pipelines can be productionized using:

  • kedro-airflow: converts a Kedro pipeline into Airflow Python operators.
  • kedro-docker: builds a Docker image that can run a Kedro pipeline
  • kedro-argo: converts a Kedro pipeline into an Argo (backend of Kubeflow) pipeline

Supplements for Kedro

pipelinex.extras provides Kedro hooks, data interface sets, and decorators to supplement kedro.extras as follows.

Integration with MLflow by Kedro hooks (callbacks)

pipelinex.extras.hooks provides Kedro hooks (callbacks) to use MLflow without adding any MLflow-related code in the node (task) functions.

To use these hooks, please see example projects at kedro_mlflow or pipelinex_sklearn

Experiment logs in MLflow's UI

Additional Kedro data interface sets

pipelinex.extras.datasets provides the following data interface sets mainly for Computer Vision applications using OpenCV, Scikit-image, PyTorch/torchvision, and TensorFlow/Keras.

Additional function decorators for benchmarking

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pipelinex.extras.decorators provides Python decorators for benchmarking.

  • log_time

    • logs the duration time of a function (difference of timestamp before and after running the function).
    • Slightly modified version of Kedro's log_time
  • mem_profile

    • logs the peak memory usage during running the function.
    • memory_profiler needs to be installed.
    • Slightly modified version of Kedro's mem_profile
  • nvml_profile

    • logs the difference of NVIDIA GPU usage before and after running the function.
    • pynvml or py3nvml needs to be installed.
from pipelinex import log_time
from pipelinex import mem_profile  # Need to install memory_profiler for memory profiling
from pipelinex import nvml_profile  # Need to install pynvml for NVIDIA GPU profiling
from time import sleep
import logging


def foo_func(i=1):
    sleep(0.5)  # Needed to avoid the bug reported at https://github.com/pythonprofilers/memory_profiler/issues/216
    return "a" * i

output = foo_func(100_000_000)
INFO:pipelinex.decorators.decorators:Running 'foo_func' took 549ms [0.549s]
INFO:pipelinex.decorators.memory_profiler:Running 'foo_func' consumed 579.02MiB memory at peak time
INFO:pipelinex.decorators.nvml_profiler:Ran: 'foo_func', NVML returned: {'_Driver_Version': '418.67', '_NVML_Version': '10.418.67', 'Device_Count': 1, 'Devices': [{'_Name': 'Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB', 'Total_Memory': 17071734784, 'Free_Memory': 17071669248, 'Used_Memory': 65536, 'GPU_Utilization_Rate': 0, 'Memory_Utilization_Rate': 0}]}, Used memory diff: [0]

Enhanced Kedro context: YAML interface for Kedro pipelines

PipelineX enables you to use Kedro in more convenient ways. Using pipelinex.FlexibleContext, you can define the inter-task dependency (DAG) for Kedro pipelines in YAML.

Here are the options configurable in parameters.yml:

HatchDict features

# parameters.yml

  =: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
cols_features: # Columns used as features in the Titanic data table
  - Pclass # The passenger's ticket class
  - Parch # # of parents / children aboard the Titanic
col_target: Survived # Column used as the target: whether the passenger survived or not

Define Kedro pipelines using PIPELINES key

  • Optionally specify the default Python module (path of .py file) if you want to omit the module name
  • Optionally specify the Python function decorator to apply to each node
  • Specify inputs, func, and outputs for each node
    • For sub-pipelines consisting of nodes of only single input and single output, you can optionally use Sequential API similar to PyTorch (torch.nn.Sequential) and Keras (tf.keras.Sequential)
# parameters.yml

    =: pipelinex.FlexiblePipeline
    module: # Optionally specify the default Python module so you can omit the module name to which functions belongs
    decorator: # Optionally specify function decorator(s) to apply to each node
      - inputs: ["params:model", train_df, "params:cols_features", "params:col_target"]
        func: sklearn_demo.train_model
        outputs: model

      - inputs: [model, test_df, "params:cols_features"]
        func: sklearn_demo.run_inference
        outputs: pred_df

Configure Kedro run config using RUN_CONFIG key

  • Optionally run nodes in parallel
  • Optionally run only missing nodes (skip tasks which have already been run to resume pipeline using the intermediate data files or databases.) Note: You can use Kedro CLI to overwrite these run configs.
# parameters.yml

  pipeline_name: __default__
  runner: SequentialRunner # Set to "ParallelRunner" to run in parallel
  only_missing: False # Set True to run only missing nodes
  tags: # None
  node_names: # None
  from_nodes: # None
  to_nodes: # None
  from_inputs: # None
  load_versions: # None

Define Kedro hooks using HOOKS key

# parameters.yml

  - =: pipelinex.MLflowBasicLoggerHook # Configure and log duration time for the pipeline 
    enable_mlflow: True # Enable configuring and logging to MLflow
    uri: sqlite:///mlruns/sqlite.db
    experiment_name: experiment_001
    artifact_location: ./mlruns/experiment_001
    offset_hours: 0 # Specify the offset hour (e.g. 0 for UTC/GMT +00:00) to log in MLflow

  - =: pipelinex.MLflowArtifactsLoggerHook # Log artifacts of specified file paths and dataset names
    enable_mlflow: True # Enable logging to MLflow
    filepaths_before_pipeline_run: # Optionally specify the file paths to log before pipeline is run
      - conf/base/parameters.yml
    datasets_after_node_run: # Optionally specify the dataset names to log after the node is run
      - model
    filepaths_after_pipeline_run: # None  # Optionally specify the file paths to log after pipeline is run

  - =: pipelinex.MLflowOutputsLoggerHook # Log output datasets of (list of) float, int, and str classes
    enable_mlflow: True # Enable logging to MLflow

  - =: pipelinex.MLflowTimeLoggerHook # Log duration time to run each node (task)
    enable_mlflow: True # Enable logging to MLflow

  - =: pipelinex.AddTransformersHook # Add transformers
      =: pipelinex.MLflowIOTimeLoggerTransformer # Log duration time to load and save each dataset
      enable_mlflow: True

Here are the options configurable in catalog.yml:

  • HatchDict features available
  • Optionally enable caching using cached key set to True if you do not want Kedro to load the data from disk/database which were in the memory. (kedro.io.CachedDataSet is used under the hood.)

The complete example project is available here.

Use with PyTorch

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To develop a simple neural network, it is convenient to use Sequential API (e.g. torch.nn.Sequential, tf.keras.Sequential).

  • Hardcoded:
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU

model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, kernel_size=[3, 3]),

print("### model object by hard-coding ###")
### model object by hard-coding ###
  (0): Conv2d(3, 16, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=(1, 1))
  (1): ReLU()
  • Using import-less Python object feature:
from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  =: torch.nn.Sequential
    - {=: torch.nn.Conv2d, in_channels: 3, out_channels: 16, kernel_size: [3, 3]}
    - {=: torch.nn.ReLU, _: }
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

model_dict = parameters.get("model")

print("### Before ###")

model = HatchDict(parameters).get("model")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'=': 'torch.nn.Sequential',
 '_': [{'=': 'torch.nn.Conv2d',
        'in_channels': 3,
        'kernel_size': [3, 3],
        'out_channels': 16},
       {'=': 'torch.nn.ReLU', '_': None}]}

### After ###
  (0): Conv2d(3, 16, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=(1, 1))
  (1): ReLU()

In addition to Sequential, TensorFLow/Keras provides modules to merge branches such as tf.keras.layers.Concatenate, but PyTorch provides only functional interface such as torch.cat.

PipelineX provides modules to merge branches such as ModuleConcat, ModuleSum, and ModuleAvg.

  • Hardcoded:
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, AvgPool2d, ReLU
from pipelinex import ModuleConcat

model = Sequential(
        Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1]),
        AvgPool2d(kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1]),
print("### model object by hard-coding ###")
### model object by hard-coding ###
  (0): ModuleConcat(
    (0): Conv2d(3, 16, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1])
    (1): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1])
  (1): ReLU()
  • Using import-less Python object feature:
from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  =: torch.nn.Sequential
    - =: pipelinex.ModuleConcat
        - {=: torch.nn.Conv2d, in_channels: 3, out_channels: 16, kernel_size: [3, 3], stride: [2, 2], padding: [1, 1]}
        - {=: torch.nn.AvgPool2d, kernel_size: [3, 3], stride: [2, 2], padding: [1, 1]}
    - {=: torch.nn.ReLU, _: }
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

model_dict = parameters.get("model")

print("### Before ###")

model = HatchDict(parameters).get("model")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'=': 'torch.nn.Sequential',
 '_': [{'=': 'pipelinex.ModuleConcat',
        '_': [{'=': 'torch.nn.Conv2d',
               'in_channels': 3,
               'kernel_size': [3, 3],
               'out_channels': 16,
               'padding': [1, 1],
               'stride': [2, 2]},
              {'=': 'torch.nn.AvgPool2d',
               'kernel_size': [3, 3],
               'padding': [1, 1],
               'stride': [2, 2]}]},
       {'=': 'torch.nn.ReLU', '_': None}]}

### After ###
  (0): ModuleConcat(
    (0): Conv2d(3, 16, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1])
    (1): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], padding=[1, 1])
  (1): ReLU()

Use with PyTorch Ignite

Wrappers of PyTorch Ignite provides most of features available in Ignite, including integration with MLflow, in an easy declarative way.

In addition, the following optional features are available in PipelineX.

  • Use only partial samples in dataset (Useful for quick preliminary check before using the whole dataset)
  • Time limit for training (Useful for code-only (Kernel-only) Kaggle competitions with time limit)

Here are the arguments for NetworkTrain:

loss_fn (callable): Loss function used to train.
    Accepts an instance of loss functions at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#loss-functions
epochs (int, optional): Max epochs to train
seed (int, optional): Random seed for training.
optimizer (torch.optim, optional): Optimizer used to train.
    Accepts optimizers at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html
optimizer_params (dict, optional): Parameters for optimizer.
train_data_loader_params (dict, optional): Parameters for data loader for training.
    Accepts args at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/data.html#torch.utils.data.DataLoader
val_data_loader_params (dict, optional): Parameters for data loader for validation.
    Accepts args at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/data.html#torch.utils.data.DataLoader
evaluation_metrics (dict, optional): Metrics to compute for evaluation.
    Accepts dict of metrics at https://pytorch.org/ignite/metrics.html
evaluate_train_data (str, optional): When to compute evaluation_metrics using training dataset.
    Accepts events at https://pytorch.org/ignite/engine.html#ignite.engine.Events
evaluate_val_data (str, optional): When to compute evaluation_metrics using validation dataset.
    Accepts events at https://pytorch.org/ignite/engine.html#ignite.engine.Events
progress_update (bool, optional): Whether to show progress bar using tqdm package
scheduler (ignite.contrib.handle.param_scheduler.ParamScheduler, optional): Param scheduler.
    Accepts a ParamScheduler at
scheduler_params (dict, optional): Parameters for scheduler
model_checkpoint (ignite.handlers.ModelCheckpoint, optional): Model Checkpoint.
    Accepts a ModelCheckpoint at https://pytorch.org/ignite/handlers.html#ignite.handlers.ModelCheckpoint
model_checkpoint_params (dict, optional): Parameters for ModelCheckpoint at
early_stopping_params (dict, optional): Parameters for EarlyStopping at
time_limit (int, optioinal): Time limit for training in seconds.
train_dataset_size_limit (int, optional): If specified, only the subset of training dataset is used.
    Useful for quick preliminary check before using the whole dataset.
val_dataset_size_limit (int, optional): If specified, only the subset of validation dataset is used.
    useful for qucik preliminary check before using the whole dataset.
cudnn_deterministic (bool, optional): Value for torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic.
    See https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/randomness.html for details.
cudnn_benchmark (bool, optional): Value for torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark.
    See https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/randomness.html for details.
mlflow_logging (bool, optional): If True and MLflow is installed, MLflow logging is enabled.

Please see the example code using MNIST dataset prepared based on the original code.

It is also possible to use:

It is planned to port some code used with PyTorch Ignite to PyTorch Ignite repository once test and example codes are prepared.

Use with OpenCV

A challenge of image processing is that the parameters and algorithms that work with an image often do not work with another image. You will want to output intermediate images from each image processing pipeline step for visual check during development, but you will not want to output all the intermediate images to save time and disk space in production.

Wrappers of OpenCV and ImagesLocalDataSet are the solution. You can concentrate on developping your image processing pipeline for an image (3-D or 2-D numpy array), and it will run for all the images in a folder.

If you are devepping an image processing pipeline consisting of 5 steps and you have 10 images, for example, you can check 10 generated images in each of 5 folders, 50 images in total, during development.

Use with PyTorch Lightning


Use with TensorFlow/Keras

(To Do.)

Use with Docker container

Build Docker image

# docker build -t pipelinex:3.7.7-slim -f dockerfiles/dockerfile .

Use with Docker container

# docker run -it --name pipelinex pipelinex:3.7.7-slim /bin/bash

Why and how PipelineX was born

When I was working on a Deep Learning project, it was very time-consuming to develop the pipeline for experimentation. I wanted 2 features.

First one was an option to resume the pipeline using the intermediate data files instead of running the whole pipeline. This was important for rapid Machine/Deep Learning experimentation.

Second one was modularity, which means keeping the 3 components, task processing, file/database access, and DAG definition, independent. This was important for efficient software engineering.

After this project, I explored for a long-term solution. I researched about 3 Python packages for pipeline development, Airflow, Luigi, and Kedro, but none of these could be a solution.

Luigi provided resuming feature, but did not offer modularity. Kedro offered modularity, but did not provide resuming feature.

After this research, I decided to develop my own package that works on top of Kedro. Besides, I added syntactic sugars including Sequential API similar to Keras and PyTorch to define DAG. Furthermore, I added integration with MLflow, PyTorch, Ignite, pandas, OpenCV, etc. while working on more Machine/Deep Learning projects.

After I confirmed my package worked well with the Kaggle competition, I released it as PipelineX.

Contributors wanted!

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


Yusuke Minami
