
Will you support Azure Kinect?

flufy3d opened this issue · 6 comments

Will you support Azure Kinect?

Yes, I hope to have something working soon, perhaps next week.

I added a new branch with AzureKinect support. It supports multiple devices connected to the same machine. One instance of LiveScanClient needs to be opened per AzureKinect.

Known issues:

  • Memory starts to increase when more than one client is running on the same machine.
  • Inter-Kinect synchronization is currently not supported
  • No body tracking

The memory leak is fixed in 9c219fb

Merged a PR from Christopher Remde that improves alignment of colour and depth data:

Can the latest version support multi device synchronization and bone tracking
Thank you for your efforts!

Christopher made a PR for multi-device synchronization, you can see it here: #49
It seems to be fully functional, but I haven't had a chance to check it out properly yet as I have no device while working from home :(

No bone tracking integration so far, but it shouldn't be very hard to add.