
Low-level programming assignments, "Low-Level Programming" (TDT4258) course, fall 2023.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Low-Level Programming labs

This repository contains all the labs for the low-level programming course at NTNU (TDT4258).

  • Create a palindrome checker in assembly.
  • Use the ARMv7 ISA and CPUlator to run the program.
  • Must be case insensitive and ignore spaces.
    • A valid palindrome can only be a single word, sentence (words separated by spaces), numbers, or alphanumeric. Examples of valid palindromes: “level”, “8448”, “step on no pets”, “My gym”, “Was it a car or a cat I saw”. Examples of strings that are not a palindrome: “Palindrome”, “First level”
  • The shortest palindrome is at least 2 characters long.
  • The valid characters are as follows: ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’, ‘0-9’ and ‘ ’ (space). Special characters will not be used in test inputs.
  • Implement the algorithm in a high-level language (C, Rust, or Python) as you would write assembly code to get the correct control flow.
    • Written in Rust and available here.
  • The program will display the output in two different ways:
    • Light up the red LEDs: If the output is not a palindrome, light up the five leftmost LEDs. If the output is a palindrome, light up the five rightmost LEDs.
    • Write to the JTAG UART: If the output is not a palindrome, write “Not a palindrome” to the JTAG UART. If the output is a palindrome, write “Palindrome detected” to the JTAG UART box.
  • This lab includes an optional task: Write numbers 0 to 100 to the JTAG UART box.
  • Implement a CPU cache simulator in C with the following requirements:
  • The simulator should be able to simulate a direct-mapped cache and a fully associative cache.
  • The simulator should support both unified and split caches.
    • Unified caches have a single cache for both instructions and data (Von Neumann architecture) while split caches have separate caches for instructions and data (Harvard architecture).
  • Fixed parameters:
    • 32-bit address space
    • 64-byte cache line size
    • FIFO replacement policy for the associative caches
  • Variable parameters:
    • Cache size in bytes or kilobytes and only accepting powers of two between 128 bytes and 4096 bytes
    • Cache mapping, direct-mapped or fully associative
    • Cache organization, unified or split
  • Expected results:
    • The simulator should output:
      • The number of accesses to the cache
      • The number of cache hits
      • The hit rate
      • Any other information you find relevant
  • Trace files:
    • Memory trace mem_trace.txt files are provided in the lab repository.
      • These will be used to test the simulator.
      • The trace files contain a sequence of memory accesses, one per line.
      • Each line contains a 32-bit hexadecimal memory address and a single character indicating the type of access, either I for instruction or D for data.
  • Must be able to run on Linux.

Extracted to this repository since it was a big project.