
AngularJS: Basics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AngularJS : Basics

A project aimed to help the user learn AngularJS basic topics. Each unit contains a tutorial with concepts, examples and best practices.


  • Expressions
  • Controllers
  • Directives
  • Custom Directives
  • Forms
  • Services
  • Best Practices

Suggested prerequisites



  <!-- ng-app directive -->
  <!-- The ng-app directive creates an angular application by running the specified module when the document loads -->
  <!-- By including this directive, the enclosed HTML is going to be treated as part of the Angular app -->
  <body ng-app="learnAngularApp">

Attaching a Controller

 <!-- Attaching a Controller -->
    <!-- In order to achieve this, you need to use the ng-controller Directive -->
    <!-- You are attaching this controller to an element inside of HTML tags-->
    <!-- You can create an alias with the 'as' keyword -->
    <div class="footer" ng-controller="FooterController as footerController">
      <div class="container">
    </div><!-- The scope of the controller is only inside the closing <div> -->


/* Modules */
/* Provide a way to write encapsulated functionality for the Angular application */
/* Promotes maintainability, testability and readability */
/* The dependencies of the application are defined on Modules*/
/* It is a good practice to split Modules around functionality*/

/* Enclosing Javascript in a Closure is a Good Practice*/
(function () {

  var app = angular/* AngularJS library*/
    /* Application Name*/
    /* Dependencies*/


  <!-- Filters -->
  <!-- You can create filters with a pipe | -->
  <!-- Filters take the result of the first expression and send the output into the second expression -->
  <p>You can create filters with a pipe | </p>

  <p>Currency = {{ 5 | currency }} </p>

  <p>Currency = {{ 0 | currency }} </p>

  <p>Currency = {{ 1 | currency }} </p>

  <!-- Formatting with Filters -->
  <!-- You can specify a filter with the following syntax-->
  <!-- {{ data | filter:options }}-->
  <h1>Formatting with Filters </h1>

  <p>You can specify a filter with the following syntax { { data | filter:options } } </p>

  <p>Date = {{'06242015' | date:'MM/dd/yyyy' }} </p>

  <p>Lowercase = {{'LowerCase' | lowercase }} </p>

  <p>Uppercase = {{'UpperCase' | uppercase }} </p>

  <p>LimitTo = {{'abcdefghijklm' | limitTo:5 }} </p>


<!-- Expressions -->
<!-- Allow you to insert dynamic values into the HTML-->
<div class="row marketing">
  <h4>Numerical Operations</h4>
  <p> 5 + 5 = {{ 5 + 5 }}</p>
  <h4>String Operations</h4>
  <p> {{ "String"}} {{ "Operations Example"}}</p>


npm install
bower install

Run and Play

grunt serve


Martin Chavez

Continue Learning