
jQuery : Basics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery: Basics

A project aimed to help the user learn the basic topics of jQuery. Each unit contains a tutorial with concepts, examples and best practices.


  • Installation and Setup
  • Javascript and DOM
  • DOM Manipulation
  • DOM Interaction
  • DOM Events
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events
  • The Event Object
  • Filter Selectors
  • Descendant Selectors
  • Traversing DOM
  • Class Manipulation
  • HTML5 Data Attributes
  • Styling
  • Animations
  • Reusability
  • Best Practices

Suggested prerequisites


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>jQuery Basics</title>
    <!-- In order to use jQuery, you need to load it with a script tag -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/basics.js"></script>
<h1>jQuery Basics</h1>

<h2>jQuery is mainly used for: </h2>
    <li>Finding elements in an HTML document</li>
    <li>Changing HTML content</li>
    <li>Listening for user interaction and changing behaviour depending on the input</li>
    <li>Animating the content on the page</li>
    <li>Sending requests to servers and retrieving new content</li>

Javascript and DOM

/* Javascript and DOM */

// It is very important to make sure that the DOM has finished
// loading the HTML content before we can reliably use jQuery

// The following code will allow you to run jQuery once the DOM is ready
$(document).ready(function() {

    /* Retrieving an element's text */

    //You can find any DOM element and it's text using this syntax:
    // text() is a method offered by jQuery
    $("h1").text(); //returns "jQuery Basics"

    //text() allows you to modify the text node
    $("h1").text("jQuery: Basics")


Changing multiple elements at once

$(document).ready(function () {

    /* Changing multiple elements at once */

    // It is possible to find all elements of the same type and modify their text
    $("li"); //returns a jQuery object of all <li>
    $("li").text("jQuery"); // This changes all elements at once

    /* Selectors: ID*/
    // You can use the id selector "#"
    $("#js-frameworks").text("jQuery selected by Id")

    /* Selectors: class*/
    // You can use the class selector "."
    $(".js-frameworks").text("jQuery selected by class")

Traversing DOM

$(document).ready(function () {

    /* Descendant selector */
    // You can select all the elements inside a node

    // Parent  Descendant
    $("#js-frameworks li").text("jQuery");

    // The descendant selector finds all the children (and their children) of the given condition

    /* Child selector */
    // It is used to only select the direct descendants
    $("#js-frameworks  > li").text("jQuery: Direct descendants");

    /* Selecting multiple items */
    // You can use a comma to select several nodes at once
    $("#angular-two, .angular").text("jQuery: Multiple selector");

    /* Pseudo selectors */
    // You can use CSS pseudo classes to achieve this
    $("#js-frameworks li:first").text("jQuery: First element");
    $("#js-frameworks li:last").text("jQuery: Last element");
    // Index starts at 0
    $("#js-frameworks li:odd").text("jQuery: Odd elements");

    /* Traversing */
    // It is faster to find elements in the DOM using this method

    // The first part is called 'selection'
    // The second part is called 'traversal'
    $("#js-frameworks-traversing").find("li").text("jQuery: traversing");

    /* Filtering by traversing */
    // You can use jQuery methods to achieve this

    /* Walking the DOM */

    // You can use method chaining the manipulate specific DOM elements
    // These methods are: next(),prev(),parent() and children()
    // Children() is more specific than Find() since it only finds the direct children nodes

DOM Manipulation

$(document).ready(function () {

    /* DOM Manipulation */
    // Appending HTML to the DOM

    var paragraph = $("<p>This paragraph was generated by jQuery</p>");

    // The following are the main methods to manipulate the DOM via jQuery:

    // before() adds the node just before the selector

    // after() adds the node just after the selector

    // prepend() adds the node to the top of the selector
    var jquery = $("<li>jQuery-generated</li>");

    // append() adds the node to the bottom of the selector

    // remove() removes the element from the DOM

    // closest() finds the closest element (going up) that fits the selector

    /* Interaction */

    // the .ready() method receives an event handler function as an argument
    // You can pass in a function that will be executed once the event gets triggered

    // The syntax is the following :
                 //event   event handler
    $('input').on('click', function(){
        // This is executed when the button is clicked

    // It is a good practice to use event-delegation
    // It allows to only target certain elements that are inside a given selector
    $('div').on('click','input', function(){
        $("ul").append("<input type='button' value='button'/>");

    // 'this' keyword allows to act on the item that triggered the event
    $('#removed-button').on('click', function(){
        // You need to convert 'this' to a jQuery Object

    /* data Tag */
    // It is an HTML5 attribute that you can use to provide more information to the elements of your page

    //This jQuery Object method retrieves the data information
    var data = $(".data").data("value");

    //This jQuery Object method sets the data information
    $(".data").data("value" , "jQuery set this paragraph");

    /* Reusing jQuery Objects */
    // It is a good practice to reuse selectors, it may be significantly faster
    // Note: During this tutorial we will not enforce this practice for the sake of clarity


    // can be refactored into
    var htmlGenerated = $(".html-generated");

    /* Filter selector */

    // filter() finds elements and adds granularity to the query
    // The filter selector is generally preferred (performance improvements and readability) over CSS selectors

    /* Class manipulation */
    // jQuery allows to add and remove classes with addClass() and removeClass()


DOM Events

$(document).ready(function () {

    /* DOM Events */

    // slideDown() - will show an element with an effect
    // slideUp() - will hide an element with an effect
    // slideToggle() - will show and hide an element with an effect
    $('.jquery').on('click','button', function(){

    // Tip: You can know how many instances the jquery selector found with the 'length' property

    /* Mouse Events */
    // Some examples of listeners are: click, dbclick, focusin, focusout and mouseenter

    // mouseenter fires when the mouse is first positioned over the element
    $('.jquery').on('mouseenter','button', function(){

    /* Keyboard Events */
    // Some examples of listeners are: keypress, keydown, keyup
    $('input').on('keyup', function(){
        // Tip: If you add a '+' into a string, it converts it to a number
        // You can use val() to retrieve values from input fields
        var number = +$(this).val();

    $('#hide-show').on('click', function(event){

        /* The Event Object */
        // Allows you to manipulate event propagation

        // event.stopPropagation()
        // Doesn't allow the event to move upwards the DOM tree

        // event.preventDefault()
        // Prevents the default behaviour of events

        /* Fade */
        // There are three main jQuery Object methods for this: fadeIn(), fadeOut() and fadeToggle()

Styling and Animations

    /* Styling */
    // You can set and retrieve the css of a given element with the following methods:
    // css(<attr>,<value>), css(<attr>) and css(<value>)

    $('li').on('click', function(){


        /* Best Practice*/
        // When you need to add several styles to the same element, you can send a Javascript object with
        // all the styles

        /* Showing and Hiding elements */
        // This method is easier to use than changing the style properties of the elements

        // show() will change the style of the element to display: block
        // hide() will change the style of the element to display: none

    /* Best Practice */
    // In general, you would want to leave all the css on the css files then add and remove classes
    // You can use toggleClass(), addClass() hasClass() and removeClass()

    // hasClass() is very helpful when defining behavior that depends on the UI state

    /* Animations */
    // You can add movement to elements by using the animate(<object>) method
    $('img').on('click', function(){

        // You can specify the speed of the animation by passing a second argument to animate()
        // It accepts 'fast' which would be 200ms
        // It accepts 'slow' which would be 600ms
        $(this).animate({'height':'200px'}, 'fast');
        $(this).animate({'height':'400px'}, 'slow');

Run and Play

Open the .html and .js files and start interacting!


Martin Chavez

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