
Team project "Recipe search site". My role on the project: developer.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

So Yummy (Front-end part)

Link to site

It is a site with a lot of recipes that will help you save time and money, change your role to a chef and learn how to cook your favorite dishes.

This project was created using Create React App.

Used technologies:

  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Axios
  • Formik
  • Yup
  • Toastify
  • Styled Components
  • MUI
  • Emotion

Main functional

  • Authorization/Login allows users to create their own account on the site and log in to access various features, such as saving favorite recipes or adding new dishes to the site. In addition, an authorized user can participate in commenting on recipes and discussing new dishes.
  • Main page contains the most popular dishes, as well as the possibility of searching by categories, ingredients and names of dishes.
  • Header - it is the main menu and it contains the main navigation items, such as "Recipes", "Categories", "Favorites", "Add a recipe" and "About us".
  • The main functionality is the search and viewing of recipes. This site has the function of saving favorite recipes and the ability to add new recipes to the site.
  • Footer of the site contains additional links to social networks, information about developers, contact information and other additional resources.

Installation and launch of the project

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Samusev-Anton/so-yummy
  2. Make sure you have an LTS version of Node.js installed on your computer. Download and install if needed.
  3. Install the project's base dependencies with the npm install command.
  4. Start development mode by running the npm start command.
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. This page will automatically reload after saving changes to the project files.

Back-end part

Link to back-end part of the project