A resources viewer for all versions of Shadow of the Colossus Game. You can also export 3D models or textures.
- a1ph0r
- Aljenci
- AmadeusK525ProFUSION Embedded Systems
- baf-baf
- bmitc
- CodeNewWorlds
- DanielGSM
- fadak0828
- Foo-bTerabithia
- HexdrlsRio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Hong0903
- Iemnur
- justanawkwarddude
- justin-carverPug N' Play Studios
- mamoniemmamoniem
- marktowning
- MichaelHinrichs
- mikethemakerCalifornia, United States
- mxdziPoland
- nathandtrone
- Nazethium
- PiotrMi
- SizzlingCalamari
- Squall789Tokyo Japan
- SwyterSwyterzone Software Projects
- whereswaldonFreelance
- z64@kagisearch