Welcome to my personal website github. It is a fork/clone of academicpages.github.io. I will be using this for a hiring cycle I am approaching as my day-job hunt has resumed for 5-9mo.
Working on a work around. Hold tight.
Discuss topics in probability, linear algebra, and community minimalism and social contract in software for wider adoption. *
I've been working on generative methods for sequence similarity. There's two directions I've taken it in my limited understanding. The first is the null space and natural noise, which has no direct solution: the error of the method is not constrained at this point. Like, the bounds are not set for overlap nor any other objective function for adjustment, assessment, and further engineering. Nor is the cost-function explicitly written. This is a work in progress.
The other is maximum overlap, or score optimization, retracing, and re-optimizing, which is must better with exact form. However, empirical models are more real world, with artifacts, and misses from the true 'form' if it could be used in the singular.
Any applicable heuristics in calculation or memoization. Recursive functionality.
Motif probability matrices have obvious solution spaces, but how much and how soon?
Discuss my literature review process, and show existing knowledge maps.
My emacs.d and org collection. it's org-roam. I'm a shill. so org notes have good interoperability, because they're more specified than markdown in some literate programming features.
- I largely don't do that, but I like assessing and reviewing some sequence ideas and the nature of these frequencies and their derived measures.
I work in todo lists, topic lists, nesting structures, and other metadata signifiers.
- I like the pandoc stack, which interconverts from org-mode, Rmarkdown, pdf, latex, etc.
Describe future knowledge map directions
Describe existing strengths in knowledge maps
Describe algorithm considerations, and cases for custom implementations