
A Project to Process SHREC'17 database ObjectNN

Primary LanguageC++


2018/07/31 Jiadai Sun sunjiadai@foxmail.com

The main purpose of this project is to generate a data set in HDF5 format for PointNet as input.

The network part is implemented at MaxChanger/Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch (Fork & Modify From Here )

The directory structure looks messy. I will continue to improve it.

  • Python / C++ / PCL / Shell Script
Need Dimension Normalization Contrast Query and Database Sampling from Query

Some steps

  • run python copymodel.py copy 3308 shrec17_data_jan27/shapenet/models/***.obj to model_obj/***.obj

  • run obj2pcd.sh , use mesh_sampling_self to render model_obj/***.obj to PointCloud,Generate a set number of point clouds and save to model_ply/***.pcd, use pcl_pcd2ply transform model_ply/***.pcd to model_ply/***.ply

  • run ply_normalize.sh use normalization to normalizemodel_ply/***.ply including location_normalization and dimension_normalization , save the model_ply/***.ply after normalizing to model_ply_normalize/***.ply

  • run python wrire_hdf5.py , save PointCloud and Label to hdf5 file, prepare for the input of A

  • use some scripts to help me quickly process large amounts of data

  • model.txt(Part of train.csv) contain 3308 models from shapenet, named wss.***

Some Code

  • pointdeal_cpp/***.cpp

    • normalization.cpp

      Dimension Normalization and Location Normalization, without Pose Normalization

    • resampling.cpp

      if the number of PointClode is less than 2048, we should upsampling and downsampling to 2048

    • mesh_sampling.cpp

      Used for desampling the number of Point Cloud to -n_samples 2048

      If I use the pcl_mesh_sampling in script to deal many *.ply / *.pcd / file, need to close the windows and go on to the next one. I re-compile the file and can use the parameter -no_vis_result to Prohibit window pop-up

  • write_hdf5.py

    Read the csv file and PointCloud generate by PCL

  • get_hdf5_data.py

    This model is used to see some information and check the correctness of *.h5

  • copymodel.py & copyply.py

    copy the shapenet model in ObjectNN and *.ply in scenenn we will use to this folder

Unused File

  • render_obj2png.py

    An example use blender to render some 2D image

  • visualization.py

    Not use

  • shrec17 folder

    Documents provided by the sponsors for evaluation