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Script to convert Equirectangular 360° images to individual images using CubeMap projection

Pixi Python Package Manager Installation

This script uses the Pixi package manager to install the required packages. To install Pixi, follow the instructions below:

Linux & macOS

Run the following command in your terminal:

curl -fsSL | bash

The above invocation will automatically download the latest version of Pixi, extract it, and move the Pixi binary to ~/.pixi/bin. If this directory does not already exist, the script will create it.

The script will also update your ~/.bash_profile to include ~/.pixi/bin in your PATH, allowing you to invoke the Pixi command from anywhere.


You can use either PowerShell or winget to install Pixi.


Run the following command in your terminal:

iwr -useb | iex


Alternatively, you can use winget:

winget install prefix-dev.pixi

The above commands will automatically download the latest version of Pixi, extract it, and move the Pixi binary to LocalAppData/pixi/bin. If this directory does not already exist, the script will create it.

The command will also automatically add LocalAppData/pixi/bin to your path allowing you to invoke Pixi from anywhere.


You might need to restart your terminal or source your shell for the changes to take effect.

Source: Pixi Installation

Clone the Repository

To clone the Extract_Images_From_360_Image repository, run the following command in your terminal:

git clone

This will create a new directory named Extract_Images_From_360_Image containing the project files.

Installation of Pixi dependencies

Run the following command in the terminal to install the required dependencies:

First navigate to the project directory:

cd Extract_Images_From_360_Image

Then run the following command:

pixi install


First, create a imgs directory in the root of the project. Place all the 360° images in the imgs directory. (must be in equirectangular format)

To run the script, execute the following command in the terminal: (Make sure you are in the project directory)

pixi run conv

This will convert the 360° images to individual images using CubeMap projection and save them in the out directory.

With faces named as:

  • B_<orig_image_name> - Back
  • D_<orig_image_name> - Down
  • F_<orig_image_name> - Front
  • L_<orig_image_name> - Left
  • R_<orig_image_name> - Right
  • U_<orig_image_name> - Up

Original image file name is appended to the face name. This allows for easy identification of the original image and can quickly remove specific faces in bulk.

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This script utilizes the py360convert package for converting 360° images. For more details, visit the py360convert GitHub repository.