
MPC controller for Rabbit 5-Link Biped Walker

Primary LanguageC

ALIP-Based Model Predictive Foot Placement Controller for Five Link Robot (RABBIT)

  • Author: Grant Gibson
  • Refence Paper: found here

Alt Text


  • Mathematica 11.0
  • Matlab 2019b or newer
  • Ubuntu 18.04 or Windows 10


To clone use the commit

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:grantgib/five_link_mpc_lip.git

If you've already cloned you need to grab the FROST submodule with

git submodule update --init --recursive

Kinematics Generation

Some of the files require precompiled functions. In order to generate these functions we use the FROST package. Navigate to five_link_mpc_lip/mpc_lip_footplacement_controller/utils_fp_lipm/kinematics_dynamics/frost_generation

and run rabbit_kinematics_codegen.m. Depending on your OS you should see files get generated under gen_unix or gen_win

Running Default Simulation

To run the default example navigate to five_link_mpc_lip/mpc_lip_footplacement_controller and run the script main_mpc_lip_controller.m


  • If opti.solve returns 'Invalid_status', error may be due to linear solver option in ipopt. Try setting the sym_info.fp_opt.qpsolver variable to "ipopt" instead of "ipopt_ma57" in the main script
  • The set(line,...) function did not work for plotting in Matlab 2017b, worked in 2019b