
Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The goal of GoNoGo is to provide the posterior probability and operating characteristics of Bayesian Go/No-Go decision-making based on specific model assumptions. Currently, it specifically covers scenarios involving single normal mean, two independent normal mean differences, and two independent normal mean ratio analysis, considering both informative and non-informative priors. For a more in-depth understanding of the technical aspects, please refer to the Vignette.


GoNoGo requires the following R package: devtools (for installation only). Please install it before installing GoNoGo, which can be done as follows (execute from within a fresh R session):



Once the dependencies are installed, GonoGo can be loaded using the following command:


Scenarios (In current version)

  • Operating characteristics
    • Normal 1 sample - Prior: non-informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 1 sample - Prior: informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 2 sample - Difference/ratio - Prior: non-informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 2 sample - Difference/ratio - Prior: informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
  • Posterior probability
    • Normal 1 sample - Prior: non-informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 1 sample - Prior: informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 2 sample - Difference/ratio - Prior: non-informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
    • Normal 2 sample - Difference/ratio - Prior: informative - Hypothesis: greater than, less than, between
  • Plot

Example 1 (Operating characterstics)

This is a basic example which shows you how to generate operating characteristics for a normal one sample non-informative prior with hypothesis = “greater than”:

# Load libraries #


n.t = rep(8, 9) # Sample size in treatment arm
mu.t = rep(c(40, 45, 50), each = 3) # True mean of the treatment arm
sd.t = rep(15, 9) # True sd of the treatment arm
hypothesis = "between" # "greater than", "less than", "between"
threshold =  matrix(rep(c(35, 45), each = 9), ncol = 2) # k: Target region cut-off 
PP.cutoffGo = rep(c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8), 3) # c1: Cut-off for probability of Go
PP.cutoffNoGo = rep(c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8), 3) # c2: Cut-off for probability of No-Go
prior = "non-informative" # Prior choice
reps = 1000 # Number of repetitions for samples from the posterior using simulation
nsim = 1000 # Number of simulations

pos.val = vector("list", length(n.t))
for(i in 1:length(n.t)){
  pos.val[[i]] = Normal1SampleGNG(n.t = n.t[i], mu.t = mu.t[i], sd.t = sd.t[i], 
                                  hypothesis = hypothesis, threshold = threshold[i,],
                                  PP.cutoffGo = PP.cutoffGo[i], 
                                  PP.cutoffNoGo = PP.cutoffNoGo[i],
                                  nsim = nsim, reps = reps)$pos
data = dataoutput(prob.val = pos.val)
data$mu.t = unlist(data$mu.t)
data$PP.cutoffGo = unlist(data$ PP.cutoffGo)

data$mu.t = as.factor(data$mu.t)
data$PP.cutoffGo = as.factor(data$ PP.cutoffGo)

#>   n.t mu.t sd.t   threshold PP.cutoffGo PP.cutoffNoGo hypothesis
#> 1   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 2   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 3   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#> 4   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 5   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 6   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#> 7   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 8   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 9   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#>             prior nsim reps      time probGo probNoGo
#> 1 non-informative 1000 1000 0.7117572   28.0     72.0
#> 2 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6791127   10.9     89.1
#> 3 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6783869    3.1     96.9
#> 4 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6788502   19.4     80.6
#> 5 non-informative 1000 1000 0.7581697    8.2     91.8
#> 6 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6835802    2.0     98.0
#> 7 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6700401    5.7     94.3
#> 8 non-informative 1000 1000 0.6826077    1.9     98.1
#> 9 non-informative 1000 1000 0.7465584    0.7     99.3
p1 = GNGplot(data = data, x.var = data$mu.t,
                     fill.var = data$PP.cutoffGo,
                     hypothesis = data$hypothesis,
                     x.lab = "mu.t",
                     title.text =  paste("PP(True mean is", hypothesis, 
                                         "threshold) >= PP cutoff"),
                     legend.title.text = "PP.cutoffGo")

p2 = GNGplot(data = data, x.var = data$PP.cutoffGo,
                     fill.var = data$mu.t,
                     hypothesis = data$hypothesis,
                     x.lab = "PP.cutoffGo",
                     title.text =  paste("PP(True mean is", hypothesis, 
                                         "threshold) >= PP cutoff"),
                     legend.title.text = "mu.t" )

grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

Example 2 (Posterior probability)

This is a basic example which shows you how to generate posterior probability based on the previous parameters.

pp.val = vector("list", length(n.t))
for(i in 1:length(n.t)){
  pp.val[[i]] = Normal1SamplePP(n.t = n.t[i], mu.t = mu.t[i], sd.t = sd.t[i],
                                hypothesis = hypothesis, 
                                threshold = threshold[i,], prior = prior, 
                                PP.cutoffGo = PP.cutoffGo[i], 
                                PP.cutoffNoGo = PP.cutoffNoGo[i], reps = reps)
posterior.prob = dataoutput(prob.val = pp.val, output.format = "PP")
#>   n.t mu.t sd.t   threshold PP.cutoffGo PP.cutoffNoGo hypothesis
#> 1   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 2   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 3   8   40   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#> 4   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 5   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 6   8   45   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#> 7   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.6           0.6    between
#> 8   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.7           0.7    between
#> 9   8   50   15 ( 35 , 45 )         0.8           0.8    between
#>             prior reps         time    pp
#> 1 non-informative 1000 0.0006725788 0.622
#> 2 non-informative 1000  0.000648737 0.621
#> 3 non-informative 1000 0.0006375313 0.641
#> 4 non-informative 1000 0.0006489754 0.424
#> 5 non-informative 1000 0.0006213188 0.453
#> 6 non-informative 1000 0.0006527901 0.466
#> 7 non-informative 1000 0.0006437302 0.205
#> 8 non-informative 1000 0.0006444454 0.180
#> 9 non-informative 1000 0.0006220341 0.164

Work in progress

Currently, the followings are in progress

  • R-shiny app corresponding to Normal
  • Binary Go/No-Go.