
We built three quadrotor UAVs with different weights, sizes, and computing capabilities to conduct experiments and collect real-world flight data. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 lists the drone we assembled and the location we conducted the experiments. We conducted flight tests and collected multiple batches of flight data from all three drones. Table 1 shows the configuration information of these UAVs.

TABLE 1: UAVs configuration.
UAV type Heavy Medium Light
Firmware PX4 PX4 PX4
Airframe ZD550 F450 GEP-CL30
FC PixHawk 2.4.8 PixHawk 2.4.8 PixHawk 2.4.8
OC Intel NUC Raspberry pi 4B+ Raspberry pi Zero
OS Ubuntu 22.04 Raspbian 64 bit Raspbian 32 bit
CPU i5-1135G7 BCM2711B0 BCM2835
Frequency 4.2GHz 1.5GHz 1.0GHz
Mermory 8GB 4GB 512MB
Power 16.0V 6A 5V 2A 5V 2A
Battery 6S 30C 5300mAh 4S 30C 2200mAh 3S 85C 850mAh
Weight 3KG 1.7KG 0.6KG

This dataset contains 12 sets of real-world flight data. We respectively utilized QGroundControl planning and manual control to carry out flight experiments. We also utilized the communication program based on Mavlink to record the UAV sensor data in real time.

Fig. 1 Light model.

Fig. 2 Medium model.

Fig. 3 Heavy model.

Fig. 4 Experimental location.