- 1
- 1
Checked with PHPCQ MM 2.3 Repos
#1502 opened by zonky2 - 3
[MM 2.3] Issue with unique field validation after recent Contao update (4.13.40)
#1506 opened by Webstylerin - 0
MM 2.3 Repos (stable)
#1469 opened by zonky2 - 2
Error 500 is key "language" at filter rule select
#1505 opened by zonky2 - 0
Hide the button for copying metamodel
#1504 opened by zonky2 - 3
- 0
Change runonce.php to migrations
#1481 opened by zonky2 - 0
- 10
Referenced Meta Models with brackets ( ... ) can not be chosen (Error: did not accept the value)
#1501 opened by amenk - 6
- 2
Get parameter array handled incorrectly
#1498 opened by k-webdesign - 9
Inserttags are not functional in own SQL (Filter settings)
#1495 opened by MacKP - 1
[2.3] Broken filter url builder
#1497 opened by dmolineus - 1
Pagination does not include limit in calculation
#1491 opened by zonky2 - 2
- 2
Paginierung mit GET in Verbindung mit Filter
#1493 opened by Shania567 - 10
Aufbau des Suchindexes seit Contao 4.9 mit MM 2.2 aufgrund vieler MMs, Filter und Seiten nicht möglich
#1494 opened by Shania567 - 1
Change all old legacy code for session to Symfony code.
#1444 opened by zonky2 - 1
Faulty routing when legacy_routing is switched off
#1492 opened by zonky2 - 2
- 1
Change 'dataContainer' to '\ContaoCommunityAlliance\DcGeneral\DC\General::class'
#1484 opened by zonky2 - 1
- 1
Add filter information [...] to mm filter module
#1473 opened by k-webdesign - 1
Add id and tstamp at BE sorting
#1476 opened by zonky2 - 1
- 1
Indexierung bei mehreren Domains
#1478 opened by falkrussow - 2
- 3
contao 4.13 and 5?
#1482 opened by leon1995 - 1
ensure jumpTo page ID is integer
#1474 opened by zonky2 - 3
Switch to github-actions
#1449 opened by zonky2 - 1
Problem with symfony/filesystem
#1470 opened by Misco - 1
- 1
- 1
Ready MM 2.3 repos
#1467 opened by zonky2 - 2
- 4
[MM 2.2] Doppel-Länderkürzel (z.B. en-US oder en-CA) liefern Fallbacksprache DE statt EN zurück
#1458 opened by leycommediasolutions - 1
Resetting widgetToValue to accept the alias values
#1454 opened by zonky2 - 1
Add permission checkbox for duplicate item at edit mask
#1462 opened by zonky2 - 6
If updating MM 'URL-Type for parameters' should be set to 'Slug and Get allowed'
#1456 opened by MacKP - 4
Implement lightboxSize in tl_layout for files
#1457 opened by MacKP - 1
Add "postfix" at pagination key "page"
#1455 opened by zonky2 - 0
Filter translated published: add option to set behaviour with unknown language
#1442 opened by zonky2 - 0
Enhancement : Hide labels in Rendersettings Attributes instead of just Rendersettings
#1453 opened by JLBA - 6
- 2
Error if MM-list is a related content element
#1437 opened by zonky2 - 1
Add natural sorting at filter simple lookup
#1440 opened by zonky2 - 0
Change table manager to DBAL in migrations
#1441 opened by zonky2 - 2
- 2
Indexierung: getSearchablePages Hook blockiert die Arbeit im BE wenn neue News-/Eventbeiträge erstellt werden.
#1439 opened by Ainschy